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Everything posted by MagSeven

  1. That's the ocean in the photo above. There is another ski area called Orofure which is sometimes known as Toya, but it's quite a way away from the lake itself. The Windsor Hotel's ski slope is right on the ridge between the lake and the ocean. ( I know this as I was looking for it on Google Earth earlier!) And 'Get in!' is a British saying. It just means 'Yes!' or 'Yatta!' kind of thing. Kind of thing you'd shout if your team scored a goal. Anyway, my next photo. (I'm really running out of photos to post now!) Check out how steep it is....
  2. Are we guessing the right island? I'm struggling to think of any other ski jo's in Hokkaido that could look like that...
  3. Couple of onigiri and a snickers in the pockets, eat them on the chairlift to keep me going. Then have a big soup curry or something after the day's riding. I find if I have a big lunch I feel all fat and sluggish during the afternoon.
  4. Lucky guess at a ski jo with a halfpipe! Here's mine. Pretty easy, but I'm running out of photos!
  5. The salary for first year JET Programme ALTs has been reduced as of this year, but they get a payrise going into their 2nd and 3rd years, so it more or less balances out. I think its an incentive to keep them on for a few years, as the initial flights/training/setup costs must be huge for the local board of education. I'm mates with one of the guys currently in Rumoi, Chriselle. He seems to be looked after pretty well.
  6. It's definitely not Rusutsu. It is, however, Hokkaido Greenland in Iwamizawa. It's my local ski jo, I spend many a nighta after work there hitting the jumps and short tree runs. Well done Bag of Crisps. Over to you!
  7. Yep, it's from the 751 cafe at the top of the gondy. Over to you Tubby!
  8. None of the above. But yep, it is definitely in the flat island. Will add another clue in a bit....
  9. Sapporo Bankei. Or BanK, if you're a cool local shredder. Which I'm certainly not.
  10. The season is still going here in Hokkaido. This is from yesterday at Nakayama Touge. There's enough snow up there that they're planning to stay open at weekends until next month! Not a huge ski slope, and the snow is obviously very slushy, but if you like park, they have a great set up. http://vimeo.com/66536995
  11. Went for a ski at Teine today. Pouring rain at the top, and snowing down to about 200 metres below the summit. The snow was very slushy and wet. Not much fun and we came home soaking and pretty cold! Flying to Fukuoka tomorrow. Looking forward to some warm weather!
  12. Gonna go out for a park session at Nakayama Touge this Saturday before heading off for a Golden Week trip to Kyushu. Asahidake should be open until May11/12 so will hopefully get another day up there after GW too.
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