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Posts posted by korbzy

  1. Originally Posted By: seemore
    We live on commision only.
    And you need to pay your own super.

    Altough we don't earn as much as that women in charge of Westpac $10,500,000 per annum.

    Do not feel sorry for us as we make the PM'S wage look pretty average.

    you realise Kev is on about $350k. and tbh im not sure if that would even be taxed, i would hope so :S
  2. Who said im panicing, im just enquiring and of course its not going 2 change anything, but I just like to be update on things, every afternoon I check the cams, this doesnt mean shit all now because im not even there but I like to see how things are going. If you have a problem with that well then ignore me and my posts because im not here to listen to people criticise me on my ways. So I would appreciate if you stick to the topic or dont post. Thankyou.

  3. Originally Posted By: MitchPee
    Originally Posted By: Go Native
    Being able to live and work in the Niseko area is basically my dream come true! Just need to get my permanent residency now so that I don't actually have to be sponsored by a company to continue living here.

    This is my ultimate goal...how do I be like you?
    I agree! Once I finish my trade in fitting, im going to be applying for jobs as a lift fitter smile only 1 more year! Yew
  4. Has anyone had ski lessons with evergreen? Im a semi advanced skier that wants to learn more freestyle,park and hit the slopes harder, I can ski advanced runs but I dont hit them as hard as intermediate. I was thinking of a 1 day private lesson. Has anyone had and good or bad experiance with this company or is there any other companies out there. Cheers! P.s sorry for dodgy sentences or if they dont make sense, im on my mobile smile

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