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Everything posted by Sanchous

  1. Thanks for good question, and complete answer. I was going to bring radio bought in Canada. Gave up.
  2. Originally Posted By: Go Native there's hardly anyone left here meaning fresh tracks all day long! ,and some are just going to come
  3. My guess is you will get a lot of snow in March (hopefully not rain). Our meteoroolists predict at least three snow cyclones this month, and we usually get just your leftovers
  4. Shit! I wouldn't wish me or my son, or anybody else stay along in the cold snow with no assistance. The law should be strict for the hit-and run guys.
  5. Originally Posted By: thursday to get knocked out by vodka Don't think so. I would better try sake with traditional Japanese food.
  6. No politics in skiing for sure. I've been living here as long as I can remember myself. Most of Sakhalin population are Russians, lots of Koreans though. After World War 2 their parents, and grands stayed on island. There are also Ainu and Japanese, however not many. Oil and gas brought lots of expats last 5-10 years. I have some friends from the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe. I'm fishing and hunting just for fun, not a lot. That's it. If you are interested in some more information, send me PM, I will answer. Just don't want to be knocked out by editor
  7. Oh, yes! I'm through this list of hostels. Most of them are too expensive for me though. Thanks anyway! I will probably make a reservations form Sapporo just before coming following your advice. I need just one room with twin & sofa. Hopefully that wouldn't be a problem?
  8. Hi, everybody! I'm visiting Japan with my famiily in March. It will be just a week tour. As we live close to Hokkido (the next island to the North), we have ski area, which is not bad, but for sure not as nice as in Japan. We are planning to stay in Sapporo for three days, and then want to have short ski trip to Niseko. As I read in another topic, this spring may be unusually warm. March, 24-26 are the dates we may come to Niseko. Because of that, I don't want to book the hostel beforehand: if no snow, visiting resort wouldn't be worth. Most of the hotels have strict booking polisy with no r
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