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Ender - lol.gif


You have a point about poor pronunciation of japanese words... Thet get their fair butchering in english:











I try not to use japanese pronunciation when i'm speaking to friends who are not japanese-familiar. It just comes off sounding really "Mr.IKnowMoreAboutJapanThanYou."

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I just wish it would go one way or the other. Take some pride in your language, or learn a new one is what I say.


When I talk to English speaking Japanese folks, or any one for that matter, I don`t speak like

"I ikimashta`ed to the onsen last shumatsu but it was too atsukatta, so I just kaemashta`ed" screwing up the pronunciation all along the way.


Why ? Even if I am understood I sound like an idiot, and because my language has become a complete bastardation of one language or the other - it is soo totally chuto hampa.


With regards to Japanese, I think they would do themselves a great service if they either made up a new word to fit the meaning being sought after, the way the French did some years ago, OR scrap katakana, and just use a more stylized version of romanji - then teach the proper pronunciation of these characters to their children - i mean come on introduce some new sounds that the rest of the world, not just english speakers uses - that way people wouldn`t grow up their whole lives pronouncing v`s as b`s and si as shi, and not being able to pronounce th ar all or combined consonants all mish mashed e.g. bl as buru, etc. etc.


I am not criticizing Japan or the language, I just don`t see the point of katakana for foreign or loan words, if somebody does please educate me. I have heard that the Japanese government is pushing more and more for English education at earlier and earlier ages. If Japanese folks are interested in learning English, as many of them seem to be, some new sounds would be a great start.


Of course I know this is never going to happen, or if it does it will be very slow. But I saw ƒ[ƒŠƒ“@the other day - will somebody please tell me -@what the hell does that mean ? anyone ? It`s not in any of my dictionaries. Also drives me crazy is words like ƒZƒ“ƒgƒ‰ƒ‹@ƒXƒNƒG[ƒA@as place names when there are perfectly good words for both central and square in Japanese.




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sanjo: you might have to temporarily change the encoding on your web browser (under "View" in MS Explorer). That should enable you to see the katakana which is causing barok to slowly implode.

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I met this Aussie girl that did speak exactly like that barok. Damn it was annoying. She didn't do it with verbs so much but she interjected these horribly pronounced Japanese words in her sentences at a tune of 2 or 3 per sentence. Her annoying pronunciation/accent just made it all the worse. She was only talking to me too! I wanted to strangle her after 5 minutes. grind.gif

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