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What is Nader up to? he has thrown his hat into the ring again and seemingly will only help the Republicans again by drawing his support from the left. \:\(



P.s. as an aside (Not related to Nader) do a google search on the word "moron" and see which page is at the top of the search list ;\)

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nonsense. Nader is obviously not going to win, so I have a strong feeling he's in it just to bring a progressive voice to the debate, and will pull out before elections. Even if he sticks through to elections, voters are already so polarized, he won't have an impact like he did in 2000. The democrats, by once again failing to bring up a candidate who isn't a wishy-washy middle of the road republicrat, have left a large portion of the party without representation. Good on Nader for having the balls to run in the face of such opposition.

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If he does indeed pull out right before the election (and endorse another candidate), I'll have alot more respect for him. I don't think that'll be the case though. If he gets any kind of wind in his sails, he's going to plow right through.

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All of that "Nader cost us the election" stuff from the demos is just crap! Just more stuff for them to whine about. Although Nader got a percentage of votes during the last election, there is no proof that his votes would have gone to demos instead. Maybe Bush would have got them all.


I think its good he joins the race. Personnaly, I don't want Bush back, but nor do I want Kerry so Nader sounds like a good choice to me. BTW - I will probably NOT vote if the race is only between Bush and Kerry so again - the Demos saying Nader is going to cost them votes is bullshit.


Just my humble opinion...

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Just read an article that projects the reps could have a 'Nader' of their own. The christian right seem to have finally woken to the fact that Bush doesn't represent christian values. It seems that the constitution party (far larger than the greens) may just put forth a candidate of their own... (could be Roy Moore...?)

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Ray: No matter who is in the race, I sincerely hope you do vote. Please exercise a write-in vote if your candidate is not one of the media-sponsored front-runners. "Not voting" should not be an option.

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Originally posted by RayInJapan:
Although Nader got a percentage of votes during the last election, there is no proof that his votes would have gone to demos instead. Maybe Bush would have got them all.
Heh! The only way Bush would have gotten Nader votes was if Nader supporters so fed up with the similarites between Republicrats and Democans decided to give Al Gore a big middle finger and vote for Bush. I think that would have been a small percentage. Anyway, the Corporocratic Bush election machine would have found some way to put him in power. Hell they had the Supreme Court on their side. Checks and balances...checks and balances toonrolleyes.gif
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Originally posted by RayInJapan:
All of that "Nader cost us the election" stuff from the demos is just crap! Just more stuff for them to whine about. Although Nader got a percentage of votes during the last election, there is no proof that his votes would have gone to demos instead.
Agreed... The dems failed to appeal to the progressives, and they got exactly what they deserved, a big fat L. For a change they should take responsibility for the failure in 2000 instead of scapegoating Nader.

...and G-mon gives good advice... the more disgusted you are, the more you need to vote! Low voter turnout due to disgusted non-voters is part of the reason America has gone into the crapper.
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It's all smoke and mirrors, boys, all a big sellout joke of the one and only party in the US - the Business Party.


Have you really looked at these candidates as people, and as "policymakers"? Sheesh. Is this the best America can offer? Human corporations who persist thanks to corporate donations and a team of media advisers constantly trying out new spiels on the largely complacent, unsuspecting public?


Not that it's ever been much different, in this country or others. It's just this election year hoopla that makes me want to puke. A load of nonsense.


What kind of person grows up wanting to be a politician?


Could it be a particularly hollow, sniveling variant of the type of person who grows up wanting a government job where you get to wear a costume and tell people what to do (judge, cop, etc.)?


I think so.


" title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />

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Originally posted by badmigraine:
What kind of person grows up wanting to be a politician?

Could it be a particularly hollow, sniveling variant of the type of person who grows up wanting a government job where you get to wear a costume and tell people what to do (judge, cop, etc.)?
I think so.
That really disturbs and disappoints me, that you possess such bitter prejudice and preconceptions, You are an intelligent and educated man why the vitriol? sure I know some megalomaniac power tripping cops and pretentious Judges etc etc but I also know some benevolent genuine ones aswell.
Their motives for choosing their profession are going to be judged by you? are you that omnipotent in your judgement of character?

wait.....I am going to stoop to your level and play your game, you are a lawyer right, an American Lawyer right? one wonders what kind of conceited narcissist grows up wanting to be your profession? huh? Lawyers are vultures.

You see labelling groups with contempt whether they be policemen, Jews, Arabs, lawyers, Gays, Blacks, Gaijin, factory workers, whoever propagates hate and ill will and continue to screw up world we live in. I am tired of the negativity, the hostility, the prejudice.

You should know better.
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I harbor delusions that if I was a politician I could stick to my morals and try to make a difference. We need people willing to make changes to steer the country in the right direction. If everyone just shares your attitude BadMigs than it will never improve.

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