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Seems that the Superbowl antics of Janet J have had repercussions around the USA. Howard Stern has been 86'ed (given the boot, given the flick, shown the door, ) in an "apparent crack-down on sexually explicit and politically incorrect broadcasting"


Wow in America too, the Land of free speech, the clamps are being tightened, guess the Biblebashers and prudes will be happy.


http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=495493 \:\(

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Land of the free indeed. I HATE what the current administration has done to the country. This crap is making headlines while more important issues, issues that should be at the forefront of political debate, are being ignored. Bush has turned this years campaign into a soap opera. He knows he can't debate, he knows he can't win on the subjects at hand, so what does he do? Brings up an issue that is 'hot' at the moment to distract us from what is important. Of course the media runs with it (liberal media my ass).


Howard Stern was okay. Can't say I listened to him much the last 4 years. He's been doing his same gig for what, 15 years now? NOW the head of the FCC is cracking down on him? Anyone hear that guy after the 'boob heard round the world' happened? FCC head - "thump thump thump, thump-a-lump on the Bible.......... Bush has put some real winners in power in some high places. I guess God told him to do it. Any vacancies in New Zealand or Oz guys??? If Bush wins again.....

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Looks like they're possibly going after cable TV and satellite radio next.


If you connect the dots in this election year, it seems the Bush re-election strategy is becoming clearer. They appear to have accepted that they will not get many swing votes from Democratic-leaning Republicans, and are now focusing on wooing the religious right and arch-conservative or WASPy constituency.



Coming out in the news guns blazing against gay marriage,



Co-opting the FCC (lapdog of zillionaire corporations who get a free [OK, not free, they have to make big campaign contributions in Washington] license to profit from/sell the public airwaves) into a Puritanical attempt to enforce a kind of mythical, lily-white 1950s-type morality,



A new "war on drugs" initiative (From today's CNN: WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush, preparing to unveil an anti-drug strategy, on Saturday championed his budget proposals to increase drug testing in schools, help more communities run prevention programs and pay for treatment through religious groups for more low-income addicts...).


Huh? Pay for treatment through religious groups for more low-income addicts?




I wonder, will any of these "religious groups" be Muslim? They ought to be. I think the Taliban were so anti-drug that you'd be stoned to death (no pun intended).


Watch for more clear messages from Washington designed to pull Democratic religious votes to the Republican camp.





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