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Along with some extremely bad rain snow, I managed to ride very deep really heavy fresh snow on the weekend. It wasn't even close to powder, but it was soft and deep. Adding the review above, the D1 made me smile big time. The nose just lifts up out of the snow and you can flow so easily and quickly whilst surfing the bumps and rolls. Even the guy I was with (who was riding a Rossignol Undertaker swallowtail) hooted as I rode up to him, something like "yeah, look at the nose lift!". It really makes riding fun, its a cool feeling. Even though I had a rather rotten day for a number of other reasons, I really enjoyed speed cruising the deep fresh snow on my D1 and the other guy on his swallow tail. We just totally blitzed some runs. It was f'uckin cool.


All I want to do is ride my Dupraz. Its all I can think about!

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I was at a small low elevation resort near really close to Chamonix called Les Houches. It was the only place open in the storm that was raging... and just low enough to get heaps of rain from about half way down. I still don't have a riding or BC buddy besides my GF (who is proudly coming along very nicely in her own right but still a hindrance to my individual progression). It is a little depressing to not know one person who has the same ambitions, interests and resources that I do. When I want a big day out I have to hire a frigging guide at massive expense. We had a great line planned but then the weather changed 2 days earlier, so we rode a bit of out of bounds near the resort. Although a reduced price, he still charged me a big wad for a shit day that in retrospect I could easily have done on my own. The conditions were incredibly bad and had I known in advance what he was planning I would have cancelled the day out. I learned an expensive lesson and he lost the 4 or 5 days of guided ski mountaineering that I have planned for the remainder of the season. It was a very poor short sighted business decision to charge me so much for what was such a crap day. Now I have to find a new guide that knows and trusts my abilities and understands my ambitions (guides wont take you on anything really challenging until they have ridden and worked with you on a standard challenging line).

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