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you dont have to worry so much down low. not very busy. there is also a nice course though above the sit down gondola. gives a through the trees feeling but 100% beginners. you can either then cat track it down to the bottom or download the gondola

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When I started out at Noz, I used to take the bigger gondola up take a left and head down the big wide course, and then take a right down the winding road that goes right to the bottom. It provides a good long descent, and a variety of terrain. If the mountain road is full of flopping beginners, it provides an excellent challenge in maintaining control that really improves your skills.


PS, you cannot download any gondolas at Nozzle, in spite of what anyone might say. There are no cat racks there either.

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There are snowboard and ski racks, but no cat racks. Put your cat in a locker if necessary.


When I was a beginner at Nozawa, one the places I often hit was the back of my head. I found it best to wear a helmet.


The mountain road I'm talking about being good for beginners is the one that goes down above Challenger. It's got some flats though which are a pain.

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