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I went looking at ski helmets the other day with the intent of buying one. However every helmet that I tried on moved over my head too easily leaving me uneasy about their safety. The helmets that I tried on were Nine.9 and a Salomon.


I found that with little force to the front of the helmet, I could make it slide backwards over my head such that it was sitting on the back of my neck and choking me with the strap. The helmets were the correct size for me - the other sizes were too small. It seems that in an accident it would be possible for the helmet to move and either choke or be taken off the head.


I've worn MTB helmets for years and have never noticed this problem with them. Modern MTB helmets tend to lock onto the back of the head quite securely which prevents it from moving around.


Has anyone else noticed this?

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I had the same problem last year. Spent all season looking for a helmet that fit properly. Tried Giro, Red, Salomon, etc, etc, and decided that I just had a wonky head.


Tried again just before this winter started, and found a K2 helmet that fit perfectly. I've worn it all this season, and taken some decent tumbles. Just keep looking - the perfect brain bucket has got to be out there for you \:\)

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