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i have to agree with deebee on this one. I've only had a couple of good experiences in snowboard stores in japan. One of them was in himaraya in jimbocho - not the one on the main street but the one out the back. I scored a 20k rated special blend jacket for 8000 yen i think. The dude there was super nice, when i hassled him out at the register to knock another 1000 yen off, he did.


My biggest rant is the hard sell approach the shop dudes have. Everytime i ask about a board and give them my budget, they always "muriyari" sell me a board i haven't showed any interest in. One guy thought palmer was the way to go for me. Rabidly telling me how fab the board was using lotsa words like "maji" and "yabai". i asked him what board he rode and he said salomon. At that point i just looked him stupidly and walked out. it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't like this 90% of the time.


My advice would be know what u want b4 u head out to the shops. lotsa companies have their catalogues online now but if u prefer the paper kind, they'll send one out to u if u e-mail them (except for burton, the imperial stormtroopers of snowboarding). As for having sumbody around to help u get gear that suits u, the snowboard shop guy is the last guy i would ask. If u're after ski's u're prolly in luck tho.

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