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Some friends and I (all snowboarders) are looking into going to a resort at Yamagata Zao probably the first weekend in March (everything else until then seems to be pretty booked up). Now opinions about the resorts at Zao set aside, does anyone know of any cheap/favorite places to stay for the night? Preferably in the under-5000 yen per person range.


*I* was thinking of just some place where there's only a bed...no need for a full room, but after talking to my friends, they want to get a room so they can "relax". \:\)


We are thinking of going to Yamagata Zao Onsen, but if there are any other less well known (but still good) places to go, I'd love to hear about them.


I'm a beginner (been out a total of about 8 - 10 days), but my friends have boarded for a couple of years now.


Thanks for any advice,



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I don't know but I know about Ito-san from "Bokunouchi" (you can find it on this site I think) - very friendly guy and family is famous skier. It is also just opposite lifts so very convenient.


I like Zao.

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