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Free rider is someone who cruises the whole mountain, big fast turns on the groomers, loves the powder when it is there, cruises in the trees, does jumps off natural "hits" as they ride.

A freerider would hit the park if they were criusing through it but wouldnt hang out their all day, same with the pipe, would hit the pipe on their way through, but wouldnt unstrap to go back up.

freeriders basically go from the top to the bottom of the mountain enjoying whatever is there on the way down....powder is preferable



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It's a completely opaque term. I've been seeing it for the last 3 years, and I still can't be bothered to learn it. When I see the term in a magazine or post, I ignore it. Freestyle / Freeride, oh right, who gives a ufck?


So sorry nori-chan, I can't help you there. But I expect kamoshika is right... \:D

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Freeriders are free and freestylers are stylish. Freeriders ride but have no style. Freestylers might be able to ride, but are not free to do so unless it's stylish (and their 'crew' reach a consensus on it). Otherwise they have as much freedom as freeriders. But both types have to pay, unless they do their thing in the backcountry in which case they can do it for free. At that time, they become free freestylers or free freeriders (or sometimes 'BC freestyler/freerider'). If a freestyler builds a kicker in the backcountry then rides down the hill, it might be a mistake to regard him as a freerider.


All snowboards appear to be made for both freestylers and freeriders, but somehow the blurbs for all snowboards seem to require them to use both terms. So you can say, 'My board is a freestyle board, but it's OK for freeriding too'.


Be careful not to mix the terms up now. (I am not drunk yet, but I may be soon.)

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