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And here I was waiting for the C6. How can he develop a successor to the fabulous c5 if he doesn't use a computer.


But thanks for the memories and the ZX80, 81 and Spectrum dude.


Thirty years ago this month, Clive Sinclair launched a computer that he hoped would change the world. In the majority of cases it only changed the way people played primitive computer games, but it also turned a bespectacled, prematurely balding man into a hero for our times.


In those dark days before Windows 7 and the iPad, the Sinclair ZX80 represented the pinnacle of affordable domestic computing. It was a flat box without a screen or proper keyboard, it had the memory of a hamster and at the back of it was something that looked like a radiator grille but was actually a strip of plastic designed to look like a radiator grille. It promised it could do "quite literally anything, from playing chess to running a power station", which was good value for something costing £79.95 in kit form and £99.95 assembled, about one fifth of the price of other home computers.



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yeah...coz their brains get so overheated that it melts the hair follicles and results in hair loss beginning from the frontal regions - the most highly evolved area's of thought ... and often stopping just short of the base of the brain region - back where the brain stem sits - you know the bit that sustains life that we all use.



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Mama! You KNOW it's because the brain gets sop big it pushes all the hairs out!


You and your old wive's tales! razz

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