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I'm living in Korea these days, but want to come over to Japan for about a week at the end of the month (leave ~28th). However, I haven't met any friends who are into skiing over here, and am apprehensive to travel solo, having zero ski experience in Japan.


My goal is to fly into Narita (because flights there are cheap right now) and meet someone / a small group either before leaving Tokyo or at the moutains.


more about me: 28 yr old American male. Strong intermediate skier (i.e. will take on almost any slope, but it's not always pretty); I like to spend most of my energy in the snow, but don't mind at all enjoying a beer or two recounting the day at the onsen / mellow apres ski venue. I'd like to stick to budget accommodation - of course finding someone to share room costs is one reason for this personal ad.

Basically, I'm just a normal guy looking to make some new friends to go skiing with. So hit me back with a PM if interested, or respond to the thread if you have good advice / stories for someone in my position.

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