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Does anyone know about the effects of altitude and babies?


I have a friend coming in August who wants to go up Mt Fuji and I have wondering how far I could take MMT. Weather permitting, I was thinking of setting off in the morning and going up as far as about the 8th station and then just hanging out there for a couple of hours while my friend went up to the top by herself.

Everytime I've been I haven't seen anyone affected by altitude before the 8th station (I think that's around 3200m) and MMT won't exactly be excerting himself sitting in the carrier.

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I took the lil' one to the top of the volcano in Maui last year (by car...) which is slightly above 3000m. He was not bothered by the altitude but more by the winds up there. I think every person as well as babies are different, but babies do not talk, so tough call. I've seen people faint just sligthly above 3000m while others do not feel a thing. Not sure how high the 8th station is but I would say that probably slightly above 3000m should be ok for the baby. Gambatte !

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Was actually 3055m, found the old pic I posted on SJ.




By the way, it is ok to be there for a little while, but would not sleep at that altitude w/ the baby. Sleeping above 3000m is uncomfortable, even for most adults.



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Thanks SerreChe.

Yeah, MMT gets bothered by winds, too. Strong gusts seem to confuse him and make him take a deep breath.

Not planning on sleeping there so that shouldn't be a problem.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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