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OK so I've had my keitai for however long (a month or so?) and when I first got it I set up a mail address on there. But I haven't told anyone the address yet. Not one person. In the last few days though I have started to get spam mail coming in the middle of the night.... 6 so far now in 2 days. Very annoying. How did they get my address and what do you do to stop spam on your keitai?



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not necessarily. Put a number or two into your address and make it something not so easier for a computer to generate at random. It is possible that it was leaked from your provider, but more likely that you have an address that is quite easy for a computer generate by putting names or common words together.

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Also, usually the default keitai-email address is just your number, ie 08055554444@docomo etc. which is pretty easy to guess even if you still haven’t told anyone your email. Change your email preferably to something longer than 10 characters, including numbers, capital letters and dots “.” in it.

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