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More news about sad dudes. They have a new name, NEETS:


Japan's future is in peril due to growing numbers of young people not looking for love, according to Weekly Playboy (7/3).


In hard-working Japan, the country's current whipping boys are those who've been lumped in the category of NEET -- an acronym for those Not in Employment, Education or Training - with the word carrying connotations of being bums with no interest in life.


Now, according to the men's weekly, Japan is witnessing a proliferation of Rennai NEETs, or bums who couldn't care about love.


The magazine bases its judgment on a survey of 3,000 single men aged from 20 to 39 in which it discovered two thirds do not have a girlfriend and a startling one-third haven't had a partner for three years or more.


The main reason for not interacting with the opposite sex was that there was no chance to meet, but following close behind was that looking for a girlfriend was simply a nuisance.


"That's precisely why I'm unattached," says Dragon Odawara, a manga artist who's become famous by drawing cartoons about remaining a virgin well into adulthood. "When you go out with a woman, you've got to meet once a week, call her up and all that stuff. I hate all that obligation. Besides, how often do relationships go as you want them to? For our generation, who've grown up in our modern society, which gives us whatever we want, going without at times, as you have to do with a relationship, isn't really an attractive option."

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its not just guys, there are alot of moping worthless chicks in the NEET category.

I know a couple of them and they seem quite content and sadly proud of their current status - mom and pops is picking up the tab, so they dont care.

NEETs, FREETAs ARUBAITOs what next??

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