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This book looks really interesting, if not only for a good read. Catharine MacKinnon argues that women are still treated more like "things" than people.


More info on it here .

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"Pornography affects people's belief in rape myths. So for example if a woman says 'I didn't consent' and people have been viewing pornography, they believe rape myths and believe the woman did consent no matter what she said. That when she said no, she meant yes. When she said she didn't want to, that meant more beer. When she said she would prefer to go home, that means she's a lesbian who needs to be given a good corrective experience. Pornography promotes these rape myths and desensitises people to violence against women so that you need more violence to become sexually aroused if you're a pornography consumer. This is very well documented."




More beer rach?

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I read some Andrea Dworkin at uni. It was full of utterly fallacious reasoning and stretched logic. What Catharine MacKinnon has to say is very similar. It seems they have never experienced a normal relationship and therefore don't know what they're talking about. In fact "she's a lesbian who needs to be given a good corrective experience" was quite probably literally true in Dworkin's case.


How about you rach - are you human or an object? To me you're just a disembodied thigh and a nose.

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