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I've been often told that people would fight if they were stepped on their feet in a train or wherever they are. Wonder how does it happen.

People in your countries are so impatient and not generous?


They also tell me that people in Japan usually say " excuse me" if they stepped on others' feet in a crowded train for example and it's done.


I think there's always something "accidentally" happening and if people were so easily pissed off to fight, this world could never be safe?


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Some will, some won't; some do, some don't.


On the whole, we're pretty civilized. In many ways, Brits and Ozzies are more polite than the Japanese (I'd say a greater percentage would acknowledge a misdemeanor(sp) with an apology... ie yesterday I was pulling into a parking spot and a guy opened his door as I was doing so. He apologised profusely as I smiled, nodded and said, "not at all." In Japan, a nodd and a grunt would be the norm (or is that just Osaka. ;\) )


Having said that, a greater number of people than in Japan are impolite, rude, balls of anger that think the world owes them an apology just for being. It's this minority one has to watch for...


Gamera, I think the range is just greater in the west, and the extemes a little better/worse. Generally one'll have no problems, but there's definitely a greater chance of 'stepping on the wrong toes'.

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I think some of the profuse apologies you get in pubs and places in the UK for jogging your beer arm etc. arise from fear of getting punched rather than pure politeness. Depends on the place of course.


One of my worries about getting the snip is that might affect my hormone balance and I won't be ready to punch the lights out of somebody who stands on my foot in crowded bar.

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