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Music note for "Land of Hope and Glory" - Edward Elgar

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Does anyone know any site which provides some music notes? I found a song called " Land of Hope and Glory" from Edward Elgar and I really like this song.

Want to practice the melody but hard to follow.

I was a chorus member when I was a sinior high student so if music note for it were available, I can practice it by myself.


Any info appreciated.



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The Land of Hope and Glory? That must the United Kingdom you're talking about there.


I've always liked that other English National Anthem, "I Vow to Thee My Country", and figured that Holst's other Planets might be nearly as good. So I had a listen yesterday, and oh the disappointment.

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fffw fww ffwww, fww fwww fww fw, ffwwww

fffw fww ffww, fww fwww fww ffwwwwwwe


S'Jupiter innit mate.


D'you like the Planet Suite? Personally I've always had a childish addiction to memorable tunes, and the rest of the suite just sounds like so much recitative to me. I s'pose I could listen to it again...

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Yeah, I saw that. I've heard a lot worse J-pop so I didn't hate it completely. But I did hate that elbow on hip, palm up soulfull gesturing shit that the J-pop girls do as they whine through their noses.

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