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Posts posted by warhawk

  1. Good question Oyuki.... probably by blind peasant folk in a cold country. dunno.


    Kuma, I thought about that but whats to stop it happening to the next pair they give me. If I were at home I'd chuck a pic up of the seam. Its such a lousy job. They could have at least double sewn that area.


    Lucky my willy didn't get frostbite! haha

  2. I bought a Burton Ronin CW one-piece suit for use this season. Went out on my first run and now i have a nice new cooling vent in the crotchal area. F'ing annoyed! it was brand new and the thing just came apart. Must have been the fault of the 100+ G-force stresses that only a true kickass boarder could pull off! Like hell! Damn cheap outsourcing. mad.gif

  3. Cheers 2pints. great name! I could do with a couple right now and I've only just started work! Looking out the window at dismal, wet ground. Bummer, nothing is white. But then up on the closest range of hills I can see some definite snowfall! There is hope yet!

    Sux that I only get weekends off, being a teacher, but I'm gonna make the most of this season thats for sure!

  4.  Originally Posted By: Oyuki kigan
    I am north of you, in Miyota. I work part-time at Yachiho so i am up there pretty much every weekend. It opens on Saturday, by the way.

    sweet. I'll def head up there when I can. But this sat will be a more northerly location cos i need to be in nagano city on satdy nite anyways. If you go this wkend, let me know how it is!
  5. Howdy nee.down!

    I'm about 45 mins south of Saku. Theres definitely some wikkid twisties around that are perfect for bikes thumbsup.gif , but theres a lot of J-style traffic as well. thumbsdown.gif Hell yeah I'd be keen to take a two-wheel spin up north and see what's what. Only it'll have to wait until spring! I've stowed my baby away for the winter. I was riding up until last week when a spark plug malfunction killed a cyl. My bikes a Vtwin so after that I decided to call it quits for this year. Didn't even get time to fix her. bummer.


    There is a great chain of bike shops in Japan called Red Baron, they have it all, usually quite cheap. (Way better than Oz!)Not terribly difficult to find something over here!

  6. Cheers everyone!


    Oyuki kigan, I will definitely check out Koumi Re ex and Yachiho when I get a chance cos they are the closest, and therefore easiest to get to from my place. No I don't have a car, I ride a motorbike in the warmer months and winter will be a pubic transport affair.eek.gif I know theres a bus to Re ex from koumi station... Where are u based?


    This weekend will either be Nozawa or Tsugaike maybe. Should be a blast.

  7. Hi folks. First let me say that this site is a fantastic idea! Nice one!

    I moved to Nagano from Australia in Feb 07 so this season will be my first proper season boarding on Nagano's slopes. I've got only 1 season of boarding under my belt, but it was a whopper of a season. I lived in Aomori a few years ago and was only a part-time worker, so I racked up a decent amount of time over the whole season practicing boarding. I cut my teeth on groomers and fairly decent powder. Tried a little off piste and didn't die, so can't wait to do more!I still have a ways to go before I'm awesome but I can tell you I love it and will try to head out every weekend! I'm all set. Only problem is, where!


    From where I am, it takes a bit of time to get to the closest hub, Saku city, from where u can catch the Shink to Nagano city and then locals to wherever.


    Basically I just want to hear peoples opinions on different places. Stories, troubles, etc. but I'm also on the lookout for like-minded folks who love to ride and can hook-up some time!


    sorry for the huge intro post... blush.gif


    cheers wave.gif

  8. I'm also gonna be purchasing a bonce-bin soon. Went to Xebio and checked out the Giro (sorry cant remember the model) and it fit perfectly but the padding was almost non-existant. After that I tried on some others, a Swans and something else but none of them came near the comfort of the Giro. The Giro was light as hell, but surely they could have put some more padding in there! Does anyone know which Giro I'm on about and whether or not its decent? for 16,000 yen it better be!

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