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Posts posted by Alcantara

  1. Maybe if you familiarise yourself with gmail a bit you may realize that you can store all your emails on your hard drive if you like as well as keep a back up online with the gmail.


    My point?


    Nothing in particular. Just discussing various methods of email management with people on this forum.

  2. gmail. No emails on my drive = no email viruses either.

    If gmail ever fills up, I'll use another gmail account.

    Need to find an old email? Use the gmail (google) search function.


    Want a back up of your gmail? Set up a forwarder to a hotmail account or some other online email service.


    Why keep your emails on the hard drive?

  3. I'm about to ride up to Hakuba tomorrow from Tokyo. (277km) and when I get there all I will want to do is eat, bath and sleep.

    Not many shops near where I'm staying and depnding on what time I get in I won't have much energy to ride down to Jusco and carry a bag of supplies back home by bicycle and then have the energy to cook it.


    Any home delivery tel numbers?


    Throw them up here.









    What time does GUSTO close?


    Cheers for any replies...

  4. 5 hours is a good estimate.

    The time lost is not on the expressway but getting onto it and then once you get off it it's close to an hour to get into hakuba.


    No need to go through Matsumoto...there is a shorter faster way...


    4 hours if you get absolutely no problems.

    If you hit any peak hour traffic you'll lose an hour easily.

    If you draw a straight line from Narita to Hakuba I'm on it...

    I live about 50kms from Narita and if I went there at midnight, I could do it in an hour.

    If I leave my place at midnight I can get to Hakuba in 3 hours.



    This is the way I'd go...avoids all Tokyo traffic...

    Narita to Hakuba




  5. What do the local Japanese (in Hakuba) call route 406 from Hakuba to Nagano. I talked to a local the other day and told him I used yon maru roku go... and he didn't know it.




    (could a mod move this thread to the Japan travel forum please?)





  6. My car was parked right at the back of 47 near the trees. I had cars parked too close to me and it took me about 90 minutes to get out safely...no shovel so had to spin the car 90 degrees punching back and forward till I could get to a spot where I could drive...almost gave up and abandoned the car. Took me a about 30 minutes to even find the car in the first place.

  7. One hour.

    20 minutes if there is absolutely no other people waiting, you get off the plane first. You get your bags first without delays. You find your way through the place first....


    Getting the fastest train is tricky too. Some are faster than others....


    You could get a night bus from Shinjuku straight into Hakuba the next morning... you'll save a night on accomodation....once you're on the bus you don't have to worry about train schedules and changing to other trains and buses...


  8. Train to Tokyo or Ueno station. Shinkansen to Nagano. Bus to Hakuba. Taxi to your hotel or tent.


    4 hours if all went smoothly.

    6 hours with a few train misses.


    It should be very easy if you're not scared to ask people for help.


    If I were you and not sure I'd stay in Tokyo the 1st night and then take my time the next morning.


    Too many things can go wrong arriving late in the afternoon and then dealing with peak hour train trips.








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