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Posts posted by projectsplat

  1.  Originally Posted By: tsondaboy

    Cheers for that. I did do a search, but came back with nothing, so I thought I was in the clear. Oh well. This topic appears to have generated some more discussion since it has now been introduced.

    So has anyone been through the ringer yet? I am quite keen to find out what delays there are (if any).
  2. mmm that is the catch. according to the reports I have read, it will need to be done EVERY TIME you enter the country.


    the reasoning behind this is the dubious story from the Japanese minister for Justice who had a "friend of a friend" of his who is a member of al-qaeda who was able to enter the country several times under different false passports.

    side note: apparently this "friend of a friend" also gave him dates relating to bombings in Indonesia... if you ask me, this justice bloke should probably be locked up for consorting with members of a known terrorist organisation, but that is another story.....


    this process is designed to make sure that the person whose name is on the passport matches the person who is holding the passport, which means that for the system to work, they will need to check your fingerprints every time you enter the country.


    I sort of agree with Sock Monkey - getting fingerprinted at the airports does suck, and it makes me less inclined to travel to japan on pleasure - especially if it puts me in danger of missing my connecting flight. yes, I have to travel to japan on business, but when on business, i am getting paid to buck it up. on my personal time however, I prefer not to subject myself to this.


    anyone keen for a trip to Gulmarg??

  3. urgh. ok, well that sounds very uncool then. we are over there in just over three weeks, so I don't like my chances of them having the system ironed out and running smoothly by then.


    other people from my office are heading over on Saturday, so I will find out from them how it all goes.


    edit: that will be an interesting point - are they going to need to fingerprint you every time you enter the country?? there are people from work who do many trips to Japan a year. I can see them being less-than-enthusiastic about the whole thing.

  4. Is anyone else here aware that as of tomorrow, (20th November, 2007) all foreigners are to be fingerprinted and have a mug shot taken as part of entering the country?


    mmmm. very uncool. I would expect this kind of rubbish from America, not Japan...

    This is one of the reasons i chose to go snowboarding in Japan, instead of America, as I could enter the country without being made to feel like a criminal...


    Japan turns spotlight on foreigners, accused of bias



    Note : I did a bunch of searching to see if anyone had posted something on this topic, but found nothing. I wasn't sure if this should be here or in off topic, however I did think that this was relevant for all of the foreigners heading over for Japan for this season's skiing and snowboarding....


    Edit: if the mods feel this is in the wrong section, please feel free to move it. Cheers, Al


  5. mmmm from memory, it was something that came up in discussion over beers one night. I was about 24 and had never seen snow before. I made the mistake of mentioning that I was keen to try it out...... I stayed out drinking till about 4am. my mate started climbing through my window at 5am, kicking me out of bed and telling me to get my $hit together. after a 5 hour drive, I had sobered up enough to realise that we were heading to the snow fields.


    I jumped on the board because I had been an avid skateboarder during my early years. it took me a while to get the hang of it, but now that I am comfortable, I don't think I can ride anything else - except maybe a surfboard...



  6.  Originally Posted By: dale#1
    Wow, 2 hotels!? Out of how many hundred? shifty.gif

    I am looking at Niseko at the moment for February. I have contacted 12 places through this site. Out of the 9 that have replied only 1 cannot accommodate the four of us when we want to go.

    ease up tiger. based on the packages we were looking at (yes, packages....), there were about 16 hotels to choose from, and when the first two choices came up booked out, I started to get the impression that things were filling up pretty quickly. in hindsight, it is more likely that the best value hotels were filling up fast.

    in the long run, it is better to book early and possibly get early bird discount, then attempt to book late, and run the risk of missing out. just my $0.02+GST....


  7. Hmm, I like intrigued by both the Beer and shagging options. Will have to give that pre-season training some time on the weekend. Currently I am swimming, running and doing some core excercies. My GF has got me onto some pilates-esque stuff that just kills.


    Gotta keep thinking of the snow. Have to make sure I am good for both day, and night boarding - and then still have energy for some post boarding Kirin.


    Mitsu biru kudasai!

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