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Posts posted by Kingofmyrrh

  1.  Originally Posted By: Jyves
    If you're going to Hokkaido, I don't see much reason to go to Hakuba as the mountains are smaller and more crowded.

    I absolutely loved the time I spent in Hokkaido, don't get me wrong. I will be back there again this year hopefully. But you must be smoking crack if you think it has big mountains compared to Nagano. The hills around Niseko (awesome fun as they are) are not even in the same league as the stuff in Nagano when it comes to size. Other stuff in Hokkaido is larger, but once again, small compared to Nagano. At the moment I just look up in awe, but one day!
  2.  Originally Posted By: Stuntcok
    I think most probes and shovels have shelf lives longer than a week. If so, you can use them next week if you dont' this week.

    You know as well as I do that payday is 25th! Well, maybe 24th for some. That means some of this month's drinking money could have been employed as intended on the streets of Roppongi. But yes, I imagine it'll still be good to go next week. It's just that I don't normally ski with people who would have an interest in BC stuff, so this weekend might have been my chance to make a nuisance of myself on someone's daytrip.
  3. Thanks guys. Yes, I think I am beginning to lose the fearlessness of youth at an ever accelerating rate. I am going to do the Evergreen course at the start of March, should be helpful.


    I think this thread:




    has been a good guide for as to the good things and the bad things that can happen in the big mountains. The terrain looks gorgeous, but brings its risks.

  4.  Originally Posted By: tsondaboy
    Nice going Kin!
    Did you end up dropping somewhere? ;\)

    I wanted to, but I didn't. The visibility was great and I couldn't see what might have gone wrong, but I've read enough stuff here and elsewhere to let caution win over, especially considering that I am inexperienced and was alone. I hadn't even checked any avy forecasts that morning. I'm basically "all the gear but no idea", although I am super keen to get more experience under my belt. It was so refreshing just to go for a short hike in the open - although my heart was hammering on the steep sections, it's hard work!
  5. I picked up some new skins at Rappie's on saturday evening. As all my friends were busy snowboarding on the baby slopes and the pistes were pretty icy on Sunday, I decided to give them a test run with a light hike up from the Grat quad to the first peak along the ridge. No skiing and no long distances as I was all on my lonesome.


    I was pretty glad that I had selected shaped skins. Previously I had only skinned on powder, which was very easy going. On the pitted crust that was coating the ridgeline, grip was occasionally a little trickier. I even slipped over one time and started sliding down the face. It took me a couple of secs to stop myself as well as I hadn't factored in the free-heels, which meant that it was a little harder to just jam my skis into the ice. Anyway, the extra surface area definitely made a difference.


    Here are some photos from the top. You've all seen the same views captured far better by the usual Hakuba crew (I am a bad photographer, and on top of that the weather was cloudy), but it was a real pleasure to take them in with my own eyes. I will see them again in just a couple of days!


    Just to prove it




    Please forgive the jacket pattern...




    Some of the views










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