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About sydneybound

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  1. creekboy: not yet, i don't think high prices have leaked over to rusutsu yet, but that's part of the reason why i need to go visit. ok, here's another question: if you had to pick an underrated snow hill in japan, which one would it be? underrated, i refer to a hill that nobody (general public) has discovered yet, but you can see it happening sooner or later.
  2. thanks to all. japanese banks will lend to foreigners, it all depends who (ie. one of the biggest money makers in the past few years has been the 'yen carry trade', which is borrw yen at 2% and invest in another country with higher interest rates (ie. 5%). also, you don't necessarily have to borrow from japanese banks, most of the local banks in developed countries that will lend out yen (they just turn around and borrow from some japanese counterparty at a more favorable rate than they lend to you). anyway, i'm not worried about loans, i'm doing this as a cash deal. from resea
  3. i was intending on visiting before buying, but if i found out through this site that, for example, rusutsu is closed to foreign ownership, then i would know not to bother visiting. ie. the phrase from above: 'anyone have any comments before i haul myself there to look around?' anyone else have any comments? thanks
  4. i'm looking at buying a plot of land for my family and building a ski chalet. i'm not interested in niseko (too crowded and expensive), but i've had a buddy who went to rusutsu for the day (he was boarding at niseko) and was impressed with it. anyone have any comments before i haul myself there to look around? is it pretty developed? have land prices appreciated a lot in the past 2-3 years? am i too late and should look elsewhere for something, and if so, where would you suggest? thanks
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