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Posts posted by samurai

  1. I've stuck by the shoes on/ fore-arm level theory for 29 seasons. Works pretty well, and I'm finicky about that stuff. some skiers go longer to justify their lifters under their bindings. some skiers go shorter to bring their upperbodies more forward; if skiers feel they are in the back seat, they may cut their poles a centimeter. If they feel they are bending at the waist, they may go longer. Nonetheless, start level.

    any stock aluminum pole can be cut by removing the grip. (place the pole between your door and its frame, close the door on the pole just below the handle, pull the pole.)

  2.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Kumapix:
    Originally posted by quattro:
    Faceshots are what its all about
    don't quite get that. I don't like faceshots. do you like getting a shovelful of snow in the face?
    You can't see where you're going for a (what could be important) second and you get a wet & cold face.
    Roostertails and big hero turns are what its all about thumbsup.gif
    FWIW, skis do that too.
  3.  Quote:
    Originally posted by daver:
    i always thought the rule of thumb was if you can't live with out your vices, don't leave you vices. ie stay at home stoner.
    That's funny. Real... but funny. It's just that I have the eye to imagine a stoned foreigner in this country walking around like; "what?... What are you looking at? Shut up!" would look like. That's funny.
  4. Motherhucker, I've been refraining from my black-powder homemade bomb stories. cheers for that! You scratched a mustang, we just used to tie 'em to trees to see how large of a trunk we could uproot. then my friend made one out of a small bottle that originally held paint for model airplanes. Glass shrapnel in his hand changed our course. we stopped making bombs.

    I can't believe you blew up a car garage wall. Good on ya... or not... my friend can still use his hand, but that was a quick wake-up call in junior high. eek.gif Most kids at aged 13 get caught with dad's dirty mags. Since Columbine, I've been afraid to admit that bombs were fun. Foolish- yes, but we laughed.

    You win with the mustang. You blew up a garage wall. Was it funny? is it now? Am I out of line? (because my buddy and I laugh.) There's something grossly funny in admitting that something was terribly stupid, yet lacked foresight. Perhaps it's left-over adrenalin, some kind of venting session.

    I can't believe I used to cut up shot-gun shells and make bombs.; especially since i had a shot gun on the wall, right there waiting to blow up whatever...

    Yes, I'm terribly stupid. Or, was.

    Yet, another friend super-glued his arms to his torso because he was intrigued at the behavior of super-glue. He was like six. That's still funny. clap.gif

  5. Can't wait to get to a computer (with the necessary software) to see the clip of 'normal' american behavior shooting a pistol at explosives in a fire.


    I'm an american with a handful of guns back home. I miss 'em dearly. I miss cleaning 'em, gettin' 'em all shiny-like. I got my first gun when I was twelve, after my safety cert. It was (and still is) a Marlin 30-30C lever for dropping deer. It was my grandfather's--- no idea how much meat it has harvested (maybe 8 deer by my finger) Then I got a 16 guage side-by-side shot gun for grouse and pheasant. Then I got a 12 guage Browning pump for geese. Then got an even better deer rifle, a Browning semi-auto 30-06 with a sick scope. Could probably drop a coin at a hundred meters, have dropped a pepsi can at about 250. That was a long walk after placing it on top of a fence post. Conservationists may get upset to learn I didn't go pick it up later either. It's my land afterall.

    This one time, at deer-opener, my hunting party lined up on sunday evening, (six of us wide) and all unloaded on a rotten tree to fall it. it fell. Bark flew everywhere. After having our land poached, (found nine gut piles) by an archer- we got skunked. No meat for three families. Blowing up the dead tree blew off some steam.

    Wouldn't wanna shoot explosives in a fire, though. Nor have I ever heard of it. And I stopped buying TGR when Micah Black made his comment of why extreme skiers need to party, then panning the camera to his watch showing it was 4:20.

    Carrying a pistol in the backcountry? Heard of bear-security in AK in the spring-time, never saw a bear in my seasons of spring-time BC in Montana... Carried pepper spray, though.

    I back ya, lay off the TGR, there are many much more professional filming agencies out there that choose to appeal to different niches of skiers.

  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Fattwins:
    we had a meeting here on monday cause a student wrote on the board that they wanted to kill themselves. The principal pleaded with the students not kill themselves that they are young and people can help you. I thought that he was going to cry.
    He didn't cry? My principal balled when the baseball team got banned from the season due to a coach beating a student. (actually a good dozen teachers cried that day.)
    I agree with Ocean11; principals killing themselves over curriculums. WTF?

    sorry to hear it creekboy. really sorry...
  7. daver had a blast last year on the first, he just won't admit it... ;\)

    You may be able to find something mid-december. The trees won't have their small undergrowth covered yet, so they're out. You may be still poaching under-the-chair lines at that time. or the sick-ass 38*. That can be fun on a snow day for a few runs. Stay right for the most snow ;\) ... also, keep an eye out for closed lifts, and find a way to access what lays beneath them. Last december it was Honnenkam chair from Chuo ropeway. rocks included. (hence it being closed) otherwise, take daver's advice and take a bath... or go snow-boarder slaloming... it's the latest-greatest thing at Zao.

  8. Push is good. Has some good BM stuff, and is fading from the rail segments. Still tons of jumpers though, Simon dumont and his buddy, Sammy carlson throw down for how old they are, no more sloppy turns from tanner either, so that's good. Shane blows a hip, Hugo does a knee and is finally entering the wrecking realm. There are more big lines in it than last year's Hit List, but still not the huge ak decents from five years ago with what the TGR and MSP competition for stats presented to us. I miss watching guys ski 5k decents and never touching their slough. It's alot to due with the cost of filming I guess. Not to say its not nice to see jibbing becoming the norm off of rocks though...

    Also ordered The Waiting Game and Respect. Will report upon arrival... A different crew making those ones.

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