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Everything posted by YellowSnow

  1. Actually I left out some of the worst details. Such as I was slowly plowing down the mountain and it was leaving a trail. Also I was laughing so hard I was coming out in spurts. Also pulling down you pants on the top of a mountain in -7 makes you feel like a king.
  2. Never saw one myself. Though I sometimes eat Mac, I wouldnt eat one on slope incase I got a dose of the sharts.
  3. Hand Warmers: Nukukko http://www.nfinep.co.jp/some_products/nukukko.jpg
  4. They are kind of like a cold compress that last 2 hours. In Ireland we have a can of Deep Heat to spray on injuries. But in Japan they like the feeling of cold on injuries. Mad I tells ya. They smell of spices and are cold... You can usualy pick them up at your hotel. Also you can buy heat packs for keeping your hands and stomach warm. I forget the name but they are made from coal and iron filings.
  5. Just wrap your leg with thoes Japanese smelly patches and you will be fine.
  6. Dont you just love them on the slopes? Usually about 2000 Kcals in one sitting. Last season, I was eating them for 3 days. But the rice was blocking me up bad. Anywa on the last day, on the red side of hakuba it got a big foggy and I couldnt make it down in time... So I went into the trees and took a huge dump, a 3 day curry dump. Well my friend was following me took a look and vomited on the main slope. I hope none of you ran into us, haha, sorry.
  7. Yeah, snowblading looked like fun. So did skiing backwards on them...
  8. Haha, Tohoku bum. I forgot I had one of thoes too. So I gave up using poles. Its from trying to do tricks,jumps and rails. I am not great a snowsports, but I get to excited when I see something that looks too much like fun.
  9. What is the worst thing you have done to yourself of the slope? Every year I lose my two big toenails. Even I cut them but landing heavy jumps sometimes just burst them off. Or have to rip the rest of them off later. Last year when I was tired, I tore 2 tendons in my Knee using snowblades. In Europe I fell on a cheap wooden fence and stabbed myself with a large splinter on the leg. What are yours? I have some pictures somewhere I will post them later.
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