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SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by YellowSnow

  1. 1. Your full name:

    Vomit covered, Yellow Snow.


    2. How would you describe yourself as a person?

    I am more of a Dinosaur than a person. With small forearms and large legs.


    3. Your nationality/cultural heritage:

    I am a nihilist I reject heritage.

    Yellow Snows got a new job,

    Working on the docks

    Making lots of money

    Sucking lots of snow.


    7. Do you have any medical/mental/ physical difficulties that we should know about so we can support you?




    8. Do you smoke?




    9. Do you mind animals? (I have a pet ferret that lives outside in a cage but sometimes he runs around downstairs in the living area)

    Let me guess a "Purple headed womb ferret".

    (Quote from Extras TV show)



    10. What are your hobbies/interests?

    Same as yours on number 9.



    11. How much TV do you watch?

    Enough to know what "Extras" is.



    12. What music do you like?

    I only watch "Music" as it has scantily dresses "ladys" on it. Oh and Pimp my ride.



    13. Would you like to share in paying to get the Internet connected?

    No I can get it for free.

    Will you pay me for fixing your computer every time you download spyware etc.



    14. Do you like to drink/party? How much?

    Enough to not be able to get it up



    15. Do you have a stable job/will be able to pay rent on time etc?

    One thing I am honestly good at, until you piss me of enough to leave over night.



    16. Do you like to cook?

    Another thing I am good at and make killer BBQs even with Japanese Sama. (Kind of fish)



    17. Are you Religious/Spiritual/Atheist/Agnostic?



    There are my pretty honest answers except for the gender neutral joke. I likes Jokes.

  2. I would take a punch to the face rather than live with a clean freak/bitch again. At least I knew where I stood with the Irish guys and they had your back if something went wrong.


    Straying off topic, but I have never had a Japanese friend that I felt full sure he would have my back. Vietnamese, Chinese friends/flatmates even if we had fallen out, would still jump in a fight or something.

  3. For me everything on the list doesn't apply when it is applied to Japanese people. Everybody here has experienced some old Japanese guy who doesn't wash himself before getting into the onsen. But as soon as a gaijin breaks the rules then 10 people will stand up and tell you, "you are wrong" "dame" big crossed arms etc.


    Top 10


    (1)Tell this to the company I work for, nobody has ever seen a bonus.

    (2)Tell this to the people who will say you use chopsticks wrong. Or ask you what size your dick is.

    (3)Seiza is becoming less popular since everybody is moving into fully western flats.

    (4)Read a guide book. Seasons passing is marked universally even Christmas is a pagan seasons festival.

    (5)Is more tradition than religion, who here is a real Shintoist?

    (6)Read a guide book or watch anything to do with Japan.

    (7)Read the inflight mag on the way to Japan.

    (8)Not even Japanese.

    (9)Again guidebook/flight over

    (10) The importance of this list is in how small it is...

  4. I don't like to give to much away. But I went to college in a very rough part of Scotland... Near Glenshee shitty ski slope but better than Hodaigi.


    Don't know how long he went down for. It wasn't a flat so much as it was Halls of Residence. It looked like a borstal. The were a few fires(one of which I put out) wild parties etc. Because I was sharing with the roughest crowd of Irish guys we never had problems with other people ... though one of my flatmates did punch me in the face.


    When I moved out of there and lived with a right bitch there was a pub under my flat. Loads of bar fights with a few people getting stabbed. When you see blood come out of a human like that nothing really shocks you anymore.

  5. I have too many stories from Uni. Knew a guy who was stabbed to death because some guy flipped over somebody eating his slice of bread.


    My flat mates had been arrested, had to be put under my charge.. One was a bastard and I wish I had sent him to jail myself.


    People having sex in the ally under my window every Friday night.



  6. (1)お歳暮・お中元 Year-End �Thank You� gifts (oseibo) & Mid-year gifts(ochuugen) 319

    (2)遠慮・謙遜(けんそん) restraint/reserve (enryo) & humility/modesty (kenson) 189

    (3)正座 sitting correctly (Japanese style) 186

    (4)節分・豆まき Setsubun/Mamemaki 168

    (5)宗教観 Religious Practices 159

    (6)おじぎ Bowing 145

    (7)家では靴を脱ぐ Not wearing shoes inside houses 141

    (8)納豆を食べる Eating Natto 138

    (9)風呂・湯船に浸かる Taking a bath 92

    (10)わび・さび Wabi-sabi 85

    (11)銭湯 Public bath houses 75

    (12)茶道 Tea Ceremony 70

    (13)初詣で The first temple / shrine visit of the New Year 65

    (14)(麺類などを)音を立てて食べる Slurping sounds while eating noodles 62

    (14)あいまいさ Communication through ambiguity/indirectness 62

    (16)贈り物で「つまらないものですが」と言 358; Belittling a gift before giving it 53

    (16)本音と建前 Honne and tatemae 53

    (18)正月行事 New Year�s Events 47

    (19)お年玉 Cash gifts on New Year�s day 44

    (20)根回し Nemawashi




    Number 10. Get a grip, ask any Japanese what does wabi-sabi mean and they cant answer it themselves.

  7. Board I was was also going to agree with Indo,


    "If I broke it they wouldn't uphold their side of the agreement" If you are the person to break the contract then they have no obligation to uphold the dissolved agreement. Some people are always "victims".


    Anytime something gets sketchy I always move. Especially if its dept collectors doing the stalking.

  8. My job interviews (one at a police headquarters in Japan) have been less intrusive than that.


    Since I was 17 I have shared flats this is the first year I have lived alone. And to be honest it is well worth the extra money.


    Up until last year I would say that I wouldn't share with girls again, but it has changed to both sexes. Some really weird guy moved into my last flat and I just walked out after 3 weeks.

  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedcubing


    Read this. You can find information on methods.

    But sometimes the methods are harder than trial and error. I am not great at solving them but I can do it.


    The game I excel at is "Risk". And it has even affected my family. My mother got remarried to some prick I never liked. She started to not like him, he had a bit of a temper but he would never show it in public. Street angel house devil type. He even would walk around with a bible in his hand.


    Well I came back from college and told him I liked the game risk--- Who doesn't and Who doesn't think they can play like a king. Also in our particular Christian denomination "violent" games are forbidden. So possessing risk was a risk in itself (I bought it)


    So anyway we proceeded to teach my mother and have a few games. I was really into fractal theory, randomness and seed generation, it helps but dont discount luck and the ability to piss people off of ensure constants wins. So we played a few times as a "family", got a few other "Christians" to play also. I could win pretty easily. But would feign a few losses. Anyway. to boost his ego he would play my Mother because she was an easy win. Then I turned it around. Thought her how better to risk, also I told her before hand that I would give her strategic areas to control. Alaska, Siam etc.


    Well you never saw an angel fall from grace so quickly. Tables physically over turned. Separation was just a few months later. All over a board game. I haven't played it in 7 years.


    Another game I used to mess with that guys head was "Cheat" its a card game where you cheat to lose cards as quickly as possible. I think in Aus its called arsehole.

  10. Except for my gloves and Jacket everything I have is 2006/7 and I will probably sell my boots, bindings to buy new ones next year. I want some lighter boots and bindings.


    He should buy new skis, find out what kind of riding he likes and buy appropriate equipment. It makes a hell of a difference. I don't think anybody will argue in favor or 15yo straight planks of wood/fiberglass.

  11. Spook the other 'jima's' are cool enough very quite but a little rocky, there are boat trips out to them and are pretty cheap, most people go there for sight seeing. But Miyakejima is/was unpopulated because it is an active volcano. I havnt been on there yet because that boat trip is significantly longer and I don't think you are allowed to stay on the island for long. There is only one boat every week or so, so it might be a good camping trip. If it goes Mount St Helens you are dead :p

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