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Posts posted by Mantas

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Mr Wiggles:
    I think the England team need some of them drugs Shane Warne was on. It'll be a long series otherwise.
    The only drug we need for Warney is something to keep him going for another 10 years till we find a replacement.

    The Pomms played like one legged man in an arse kicking competition.

    Go you Aussies!!
  2. I'm not going to defend medical practitioners that over suscribe drugs to people, particularly kids, but these doctors are actually bowing to pressure of peoples expectations to get well quick.

    People don't wont to wait 4 weeks until that nasty throat infection runs its natural course, they want to get better NOW !!!


    I'm guilty of this myself. I suffer regularly from chronic sinusitis . It's almost impossible to run a business and concentrate on the tasks at hand when it feels like someone is standing on your face!


    I've read all the self help books, and how to treat it in the natural way. But I just don't have the farking time that is needed to do it.

    One time I battled an infection for 5 weeks ( doing it the natural way ) before I went to see a doctor, he wasn't going to prescribe any antibiotics for me. Told me it will clear up in a few weeks. I almost refused to leave his room until he coughed up a presrciption.

  3. Thunderpants- I don't have any facts to back up my argument. It's just my opinion. We will have to agree to disagree on that one. But the fact that anti-drug policies in Japan are working better than in western countries spells it out pretty simply.

    They're doing something right- We are doing something wrong.


    Good education, equal opportunities and responsible parents is the best way to curb drug use
    I do agree with that though.


    I find it interesting that all arguments for pro-legalization of drugs in this debate are based on what's wrong with the current systems in place and I'll admit it isn't working very well. Yet no-one has offered up model of how a legalized system could work.

    Just who, how and where will the new form of "pure and clean" cannabis, cocaine and heroin be made available to our kids?

  4. No. I don't think people refrain from taking illegal drugs because it is against the law.

    But societies make laws and if a society legalizes these types of drugs it assumes a dangerous ideology to young kids and teens ( this is who I'm referring to here ) that society says drugs like heroin and cocaine are OK. Some kids and teens are vulnerable.

    I'm not talking about medicinal pot for a selected group of people with particular problems, I acknowledge those benefits.


    Daver, how do you envisage a regulated heroin and cocaine supply system?

  5.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Ocean11:

    The 'adding to the list of addictives' is not a rational argument, because it assumes that the substance is at fault rather than the person. And it begs for any currently permitted addictive substance to be banned along with the others.

    Ocean -I do believe it's a rational argument. There is a big
    difference in saying to a young impessionable person.

    " Hey these drugs are bad. Stay away from them"
    " Hey these drugs are bad, but go and stand in the line and we will make sure you get the right stuff."

    I don't have all the answers, but I believe the current level of illegal drug use would increase with any form of regulated supply as Thunderpants suggests.
  6. Thunderpants- You obviously don't have children.

    Bringing kids up in world where cocaine and heroin are as readily available as you suggest scares the absolute shit out of me. I don't care how pure and clean the " stuff " is. There are enough legal adictives out there already to screw young peoples lives up without adding to to the list.


    The war on drugs could easily be won if it was fought smarter.

    If the phenominal amount of money spent by the US on the war on terror and sending massive fuel spewing rocket into space was redirected. Who knows what could be achieved.

  7. I have a problem of POT being labeled as a ' soft drug '.Just like everyone else on here, I too have seen first hand peoples lives ruined by pot. I have also seen people smoke all their lives uneffected. It does come down the individual and their particular mental state. Still it's hardly a ringing endorsement for the use of pot. I think it's one of the most under rated ' bad ' drug out there. A little education could go a long way there.

  8. DB & O11 Thanks for that insight into Japanese culture, government and it's people. I kind of figured that those Greenpeace figures were loosely collaborated. It does sound like the average Japanese doesn't know or care about the issue. Not so around here (although I do live in a Whale Watching Cruise industry town )


    Mutherhucker- Today I said "screw work" and drove up the coast to a remote little spot for a surf. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful place. To top it off a pod of dolphins turned up and put on a show. Doing airial twists and flips. Of course I had a dopey grin on my face the whole time.


    * I'm still struggling with my own thoughts on this


    I was deeply appalled by those scenes you posted on Youtube.

    But I have to ask myself WHY I was so appalled. The same brutal slaying and animal suffering would be played out a thousand times over in third world slaughter houses, live sheep exports, chicken sheds ect.

    A similar thing happens here in Boat Harbour every year with the annual mullet drive.( admittedly they don't hack them with machetes ) Thousands of mullet are hauled up onto the beach, writhing and flipping everywhere, slowly dying. My kids laugh when one occasionally flips out of the departing truck and onto the road.

    Imagine the same video with the sad music and commentary but the subject was mullet not dolphin!. It would almost get a run on a comedy show.

    What is our sentimental attachment to whales and dolphins?

    People love dolphins, me included. Some of us like to think of them as their 'special animal friends'.


    Are these people guilty of barbary or just lack of sentiment for our 'special animal friends'?


    I suspect both.

  9. A few things puzzle me about the whole Japanese whaling issue.


    1- Greenpeace has said 77% of the Japanese population is against whaling. That means 23% are either FOR killing whales, or couldn't give a shit, or both. The reality is we are talking about nearly 30 million people! Hardly an insignificant number.


    2- Bushpig said earlier that the Japanese whaling industry was in bad shape and it was being propped up by the government because "Japan doesn't like being told what to do"

    I find it hard to believe they would put themselves through all this grief just to save some face. Maybe I just don't understand the Japanese.


    3-I also can't understand why this whale meat ( the most controversial meat on the planet ) ends up being sold in poxy little cans at the airport!

  10.  Quote:
    Originally posted by SG:
    McGrath is the guy I love to hate, my fond memory of him was Razzaq smacking him for 5 consecutive fours and he was looking murderous like someone had burnt down his house, it was glorious.
    Your kidding! Having his house burnt down would be nothing compared to getting smacked like that.

    Go Mc Grath!!! clap.gif
  11.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Ocean11:

    As for 'it's only Minke', it won't be soon. Catching the Minke has allowed the whaling fleets to survive to catch the other stuff later.
    Good point Ocean. I'm going to agree with you on that one.
    It's the thin end of the wedge. In the 90's the Japanese almost fished the Northern Bluefin Tuna to extinction, except for the intervention from groups like Green Peace.

    That said.

    Most of us urban dwelling humans have lost a vital the connection we used to have with nature. All the meat we eat was once a living thing. To convert the animal from' alive' to 'dead', someone had too do the killing. How many of us could look into a little lambs eyes and slit it's throat? Though when we put that lovely packaged tray of lamb chops into the shopping trolley, we wouldn't give it a second thought. It's as if the packaging not only keeps the meat fresh but also negates us from any moral obligation to the animals suffering or demise.

    The debate shouldn't be about whether we hunt whales or not but whether it can be done sustainably. ( and perhaps the health issues as well )

    The experts suggest NO!

    Whales and Dolphins- I love them, surf and swim with them, marvel at them, but if they weren't endangered and I was hungry enough. I'd eat them too.
  12.  Quote:
    Originally posted by badmigraine:

    The lesson I learned here is that DVD is intended to be a "delivery format" only, it is not designed for editing. Something to consider when buying a vidcam.

    Yer I bought a camera a couple of weeks ago, it was the cheapest one in the cabinet, tape style. Sometimes simple is good.
    That's why my wife married me. \:o
  13. I just finished doing a similar thing myself. I converted about a 1000 hours of kids stuff from VHS onto my Mac.

    I borrowed my brothers camera that has a AV in function to convert the video. Maybe this would work with your DVD camera.?????

    TIP. If you try this, make sure you have a tape inserted in the ' middle ' converting camera and it's wound to the end.


    Failing that try These guys. What they don't know about Macs and DVD's isn't worth knowing.

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