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Posts posted by WantToSki

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by WantToSki:
    Originally posted by rach:
    Yout attention please:
    hhhmmmm... any chances that us of the local masses to get to meet them?

    personally, Tae seems cuter!!
    i take it back...!!!

    after checking out an issue of a ski magazine - i find that Aiko is cuter...
  2.  Quote:
    Originally posted by I'm Sexy:
    Captain Stag are you in New Zealand or still Isawa?

    I really want go to New Zealand and thinking about it this summer.

    Problem is money \:\(
    i did a search among travel agencies in NZ, and i found that a 9-day tour, which includes accomodations, shuttle bus, lifts, and rentals are about 80,000 yen...!!

    however, the problem is the airfare - for july departures from japan; it is about 112,000 yen aboard NZ Air, and for august!?! 212,000 yen...

    THIS IS WHAT I HATE in JAPAN - August airfares are more than DOUBLE regular PRICES!!!
  3. i just had M$ Money give me a report of my expenses - and yes, ive so far spent 378,000 yen already... and im expecting about 20,000-30,000 yen in the coming weeks...


    this includes everything - equipment and gear, learning materials, school lessons, food, travel, ski packages, etc.




    BUT, i promise myself that next year would be different... i would definitely set a budget - say 100,000 yen? which would be for about 4-5 cheap packaged tours?

  4. while it is being discussed in this thread:


    The resort you spent most of your time this season


    the resorts wherein we spent most of our time, has anyone really discussed about which resorts they really hate?


    -- as for me, i really hate "Karuizawa Prince"... c'mon, can you really call that a resort? the intermediate/advanced/expert-level courses are around only 600 meters long (and a couple of meters wide)? skiing at this gradients gets you down in about 2 minutes, and the lifts usually takes 7 minutes to get you back up!?!


    not only that - rentals here cost a fortune, yes i would understood at least if they are of good quality (like in Naeba Prince) - but they're usually old and worn-out...

  5. hey, i had my first day with my new skis (just got back from Kagura)...!!


    really nice skis... and as soon as i had it hot waxed, perfect! compared to rental skis that ive tried, really easy to initiate turns (and especially when i needed lots of short turns when the only way to get down from the top is to take the bumps/kobu - since the "safe" course has been closed)...


    ah yes,it really does hate being in a straight line - there were two situations wherein i just wiped out! one was i took too much time to initiate a new turn, and i just lost control. and another when i was taking the straight "gondola course" - i felt that the skis trying to shake, ie., it seems it just likes to turn...


    regardless, nice skis!!!

  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Ryo:

    Well, same here, I plan to take the first shinkansen out of tokyo to echigo yuzawa and from there hopefully I will find the bus to kagura!

    If you will notice a short guy with black hair and a board on his back! cest moi! Come to say hi!

    Cheers mate!
    just got back from Kagura... still enough snow to enjoy, however, hhhhmmm... i didnt find it as exciting as other ski resorts ive been to (ie., Happo).


    were you one of those that got a free lift from a Japanese ojisan in his small van (there was one case of onigiri inside)?

    PS: i only got to read this post only now, and if i read it a day earlier, i would have said "Hi"
  7.  Quote:
    Originally posted by daver:
    don't worry about losing technique over the summer. you won't. ok, you will be a little rusty come next november but that will pass. the speed in which it passes entirely depends on your fitness however. like everybody says, be active. i have always liked to train for mountains in the mountains. ie, hiking, trail running, climbing. but if you live in the city a gym pass will do. SURF. but then again you must be fit to even attempt doing that. just stay fit, you don't need to worry about specifics yet.
    enjoy the warm season!
    yeah - i guess im worried about that, losing technique...

    i started just this season, and there has been so much ive learned that i just dont want to start from zero again next season.

    i was doing some exploring, and they say that inline skates can be good off-season training. however, there have been those that say that inline skates dont really give the "feel of skis" (ie., edging, etc.) that it doesnt really matter if you do them or not...

    what do you guys think? can inline skates really help at least maintain your form?
  8. it is presently being discussed in a thread on how much, on average, we have already spent in this season...


    for me, i have already spent between 300,000 and 400,000 (maybe approaching half-a-million). however, since i just started this season, this includes new gear (wear, boots, skis, goggles, etc.), as well as lots of lessons, etc; which im confident "would not be there" next season...


    and, so, which brings us to - how to save?


    what do you usually do? take night-trip buses? bring your own food, etc. (ski resort lunches are really expensive)? car pooling? take longer tour packages?


    what are the cheaper resorts (but necessarily bad) to go to? for one, naeba is quite EXPENSIVE!!





  9.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Sanno:
    If you really like high speed middle and long turns then I have a REAL ski for you for a good price.
    With real ski I mean numbered, hand finished racing atelier Dynastar Skicross Pro 188 from 2 years ago. Only been used twice in world cups. This ski will hold the edge no matter what and is incredibly stable but still easy to handle even in shorter turns. Nothing like you have ever skied on before.
    thanks for the offer, Sanno; but ive already bought my ski before i saw this post of yours...

    but hey, for 25,000 yen brand-new - who can argue?


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