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Go Native

SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by Go Native

  1. Surprised no one else has updated this recently as we've been having a pretty good snow season in Aus. All higher resorts now have well over 1m of snow on the ground and from what I've heard the quality of the snow has been good (at least for Aus). Bit of sad news over the last couple of days though with two missing backcountry snowboarders, who were up on Victoria's highest peak Mt Bogong (1986m), having been found dead in avalanche debris in one of the gullies. Haven't made it up myself yet as we've been incredibly busy with work but hope to soon.

  2. I'm not convinced that within resort boundaries there's anything that much steeper on Honshu than what's on offer at Hokkaido resorts. Sure if you head out beyond into the backcountry there's much bigger mountains on Honshu but within resorts themselves for those that don't have all the skills and experience to head backcountry are there really many Honshu resorts that offer much steeper terrain than found at Hokkaido resorts? Are there any resorts on Honshu that offer as much easily accessible and legal off-piste terrain as many of the Hokkaido resorts? Genuine enquiry for those that have experience on both islands. And which Honshu resort would be the best for off-piste riding?

  3. I expect in retirement I'll do a lot more volunteer work than I do now. I'm already on the board of two volunteer organisations and those roles would take up all my spare time if I let them. I don't think I'd get bored in retirement. Some volunteers I talk to reckon they've never worked harder than they have whilst in retirement.

  4. I must admit I had no idea how much we used until I noticed our last bill on the kitchen bench (my wife normally takes care of all the bill payments). I was just amazed at how much less we were supposedly using compared to the average Aussie family. We do have a solar hot water system which I guess saves us quite a bit and a slow combustion wood heater for winter. Plus as we live so close to the beach we normally get afternoon sea breezes which cool the house down in summer meaning we rarely need to use the aircon.

  5. Here in Aus it seems to be a national pastime to complain about the cost of electricity but since being back in Aus I've found electricity here to be pretty cheap, at least compared to Japan. From what I can tell though it's not that Aussies pay that much for electricity it's that they use so god damned much of it.

    We now live in the biggest house we've ever owned and as it was built prior to gas being connected to the town everything is electrical. We also have for the first time a dishwasher and as we live in quite a cool and wet part of Aus we have to use the clothes dryer quite often. Anyway we're probably using more electricity now than we ever have in the past.


    Our daily consumption on our last bill was 9.5 kWH per day. On the bill they advise what the average usage is for different size households;


    1 person - 12.4

    2 person - 14.8

    3 person - 17.1

    4 person - 19.5


    These figures are for households without a swimming pool. Assumedly those with one use much more.


    So even though we're a 3 person household we are using almost 25% less electricity than the average 1 person household. And 45% less than the average 3 person household. I just can't quite understand how they're using so much! Anyway how much do you guys use?

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