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Posts posted by firedog23

  1. From an American point of view and probably covers several other countries.


    What is a military type?


    It is the kid who can no longer pay for college or has flunked out due to grades.


    It is the kid with no direction in his life.


    It is the guy who due to powers beyond his control needs to support his family and the military fits that need.


    It is the guy who loves action, travel or doing something against the grain.


    It is the rich kid who was given everything in his youth and now finds he needs to prove to his parents he can do something on his own.


    It is the girl who loves her country.


    It's the 20 something who is looking to pay off his school bills.


    It is the college graduate who gained a degree in a field that is over-populated with others and does not want to be a food service waiter any longer.


    It's the kid just trying to get away from where he is at.


    It is the occasional pro sports player who turns down $$$$$$$ because he feels obligated to do what others like him are doing.


    There is no military type. The military is filled from one type to the other. It is not republican, democrat or other. It is all of them.


    Do we sit around waiting to plunder the world? Hardly. Quite a vast majority are wanting to do good things. Does what we do have an underlining purpose? Of course it does. Does responding to a predominatly Islam country during a massive Tsunami to help restore and rebuild help better than picking a fight. It explains itself. It really bothers me when the media shows all of the bad that goes on in places like Iraq. Rarely do they show the schools, water plants and so on being built. Do many people know what it is like to see a person drink water that isn't filled with bacteria for the first time. How about the little kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and we give him a chance to live because we had a hospital nearby. All of this has a reason but like I said, as a military guy I would rather help someone that hurt them but you know what? Some people/groups don't mix and things are going to happen that makes most of us cringe.


    By the way, I ran into some Australian Army in Iraq and they were some of the coolest dudes you could meet in a place like that. Even though they were heading out into the bad parts of the country they had a really laid back approach to it. No worries they say.


    Oh and at least alot of us on here who are in the military have the choice to join. Some countries like Honduras show up to the village, ask to see your college card and if you don't have a card then get on the bus because you are in the Army. Nothing like a 15 year old wielding an assult rifle.


    Just my 2 cents but it takes all types to be a "military type"


    I just happen to be a snowboarding my ass off military type. If it was not for the Air Force I probably would have never made it to Hakkoda.

  2. Alright this kind of got started on another thread but I am curious on how people think we can stop trashing the earth, global warming and so on.


    Myself would love to see the major auto companies (other than Honda) take alternative fuels more seriously. Yes they are making headway but it gets frustrating as a person when major auto companies tell us (America) that flex fuel vehicles are not practical when in places like Brazil, flex fuel vehicles are Ford/GM's biggest sellers. I know autos are just a small thing in the whole scheme of things but it has to start somewhere.


    I also get sick of politicians (Sen Kennedy)telling us that wind/solar power is a way to power communities but when a major wind farm is designed to be built of the Cape Cod coast they are up in arms because it is in their backyard and not some poorer area.


    I for one would love to have a wind/solar powered house with a car that gets 50 miles per gallon of water.


    Just my 2 cents.


    Sorry Kumapix, I was not trying to get dirty I just get wound up when all fingers point to the U.S. although I know we deserve what we sew.

  3. Yeah that makes alot of sense. Being that he has been president for 6 years, I suppose that means he holds the responsibility for the past 100 years of major industrialization across the world. I am not making excuses for what we as America won't do to make the world cleaner but it is BS comments that show lack of vision other than "it's Americas fault".


    China, India have 2 billion+ people each and their industry/autos probably have something to do with the global warming.


    Iran, one of the leaders of oil have a state produced vehicle that gets apporx 8 miles per gallon.


    Have you seen pictures of Mexico City? Not exactly a beautiful view due to the pollution.


    Brazil has it right when it comes to Oil, they don't import it but they are still cutting down their own Amazon at a gigantic rate.


    Have you tried to see Mt. Fuji from Tokyo? It's not exactly a given now a days.


    Russia, Pakistan, and the rest of the world have something to do with global warming. This is not something that just started in 2000 but has been building for alot longer than Bush's presidency.

  4. Yeah, the walking in the road thing is beyond old. And to top it there usually is a 2 meter wide sidewalk right next to them.


    Also the Japanese drivers who insist taking turns at 2 kph in hopes they don't overturn their cars.


    Also people who give you the evil eye when they run a stop sign and look at you like you are in the wrong.


    Not that I am a fan of American drivers but here in Japan time stands still on the road.

  5. I would rather have Malaria than take Larium. A good friend of mine who is the poster child of being happy and all around good guy took it and almost immediately suffered from the consequences. His depression was gigantic, cried at the thought of anything and questioned living. Once he had it diagnosed, it was traced back to the Larium. It took about 6 months for it to leave his system.


    Also the US Army quit using it once it was found to be the primary cause of some Soldiers who had killed their wives/girlfriends upon return from Iraq.


    I am not sure what the alternatives to Larium is but I would find out.

  6. I predict a cloudy day sometime in the future.


    I predict that I may have mexican food sometime in the future too with a slight chance of the earth shaking.


    I also predict my Govt. and the Govt. of Iran will have a house party with a 2 drink minimum.


    I predict the sky will remain blue on sunny days.


    I predict the snow will always be cold when it goes down the back of my jacket.


    I predict snowboarders and skiers will be engaged in a global war with a fight to the death, or at least a race to the untouched snow.


    I predict people who predict things need to get a job and quit worrying and making people worry about stuff they have no control over. Go buy supplies in the event something happens and live your life regardless.

  7. Side question to the gas stations in Japan. I have lived here for almost 4 years and I have always wondered why gas station attendants have to tell the customer that no traffic is coming so they can get on the road??? Do you lose your judgement and can't figure it out on your own? Nobody else does this except at gas stations.

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