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Posts posted by ncorrenti

  1. About 6 or 7 hours drive? I'm not certain though, I just guesstimated.


    At this stage we're planning on going to Fernie. The others wanted to go to Whistler but as it turns out we have a couple of friends who may be working at Banff at the same time, so we might stay there a couple of days as well.


    On a down note, one of my friends wants to bring her control freak boyfriend along. I don't want him to come because I personally can't stand him. The thing is, he hates skiing and I'm pretty sure the only reason he wants to come is because he's worried she'll hook up with someone else. At risk of looking like a total bitch and having her pull out of the trip, should I tell her no? Advice please!

  2. Hehe. I'm pretty sure they do it on purpose, just to be embarrassing. I haven't been skiing with my parents in years but I do recall my father looking and acting like a total clown.


    Most notable was his complete disregard for safety - if he saw one of us kids on the slopes he would purposely crash into us and try and roll us down the hill. People would just stand there looking at us like we were insane.


    Ahh, good times.

  3.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Yamakashi:
    ...he was JET the same time as Taz, Ian, et al. and lived in Higashi-Hiroshima quite close to me... huge partier/drinker/nampaer
    So is nampa the term for a sleazy guy or just a guy(or girl?) that likes to pick up?
  4. Hey, has anyone tried those Alcodol tablets? They're supposedly "hangover prevention" tablets. I've also heard that you can now get these tonic shots which you mix into your drinks that are also meant to keep you from feeling seedy the next day. I think the tonic is made up of electrolytes to keep you hydrated, etc.


    I wonder if it really works or whether it's just a scam?

  5. Snobee, I go to a physio once a month for a consult and then a deep tissue rub (hurts like a bitch but I feel great for days after). Have tried acupuncture and found it to be a waste of time and money.


    In all honesty, I feel that my current condition is a result of being jerked around by physios, chiros and doctors. They all dispute eachother's diagnosis which makes it practically impossible for a person with an injury to get the right treatment.


    For years (when I was doing gymnastics as a kid) my stress fractures went untreated because my doctor chalked them up to 'growing pains' - whatever that is!


    I have no idea what Bowen Therapy is - will google it now.


    Thanks \:\)

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