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Posts posted by ncorrenti

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Yamakashi:
    Id like to be healthy and happy, spend the holidays with my close mates up in Hakuba, ski powder, drink beer, soak in onsens, find Ms. Santa claus \:D
    Is it hard for westerners to find partners in Japan? I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't do much fraternising with the locals on my trip... mainly because my conversational Japanese isn't great.
  2. Hehe, well I hope Santa comes through with the CDs and pease on arse!


    As for me, I've been dropping lots of not-so-subtle hints to my loved ones. I'm pretty sure my parents are giving me some cash to put towards a new mobile (mine's on the way out). My older sister and her husband are getting me a concert ticket, my brothers will probably go halves in a David Jones voucher for me because they hate shopping.

    My little nieces will probably buy me chocolate - yum.


    And I intend to by myself a present this year as a reward for getting all my Christmas shopping done early. Maybe some shoes that I've had my eye on!

  3.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Fattwins:
    Its now part of our culture really. Some lawyer comes and says that he can you money for 40% and at no cost to you. Its like free money. When I get hurt I usally look to blame someone else at first and then I come to my senses that I was the idiot.
    Yeah, you're right. It's human nature to look to blame someone else first. Unfortunately, not everyone is reasonable like yourself. Most people would be inclined to chase the dollar. Unfortunately we all pay the price for this through ridiculously high premiums. I used to freelance and it cost me a ridiculous amount each year to insure myself, which is why I'm now working for the man.
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