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Posts posted by ncorrenti

  1. The species 'vapidus batshitus' is becoming prolific in capital cities all over Australia. They can usually be found huddled in the girls toilets at a nightclub, fixing their bleached blonde hair in front of the mirror while reapplying their makeup for the fiftieth time. They seek eachothers reassurance that they are, in fact, the hottest girl in the nightclub.

    A common interaction might be:

    BAT#1: "S$@#! Is my spray-tan streaking?"

    BAT#2: "Shut up, you are totally hot OK?"

    BAT#1: "No way, I'm like, so fat. You're so skinny, I hate you!"

    BAT#2: "Whatever! I'm so effing ugly tonight!"

    BAT#1: "Haha as if! I'm MAJORLY fugly. Let's go dance."

  2. I have a friend who is very fat, mostly because she likes to eat more than she likes to excercise. She is one of the most exuberant, outgoing people I know, and her attitude is 'I like the way I am, so if you don't then step the **** off'. I have a huge amount of respect for her because of this. I can't tell you how many insecure skinny girls I know. They bust their asses at the gym every day in the pursuit of what they think is perfection. Sure, they look good on the outside but on the inside they're a hot mess. What use are their looks when they're not mentally stable enough to hold down a relationship for longer than a week?


    I'd rather be fat with a great personality than a skinny, vapid piece of batshit.

  3. My mum makes an awesome tomato salad:


    You need a few good size ripe tomatoes, a clove of garlic, dry oregano, half a red onion, fresh basil leaves, a splash of extra virgin olive oil and salt and pepper.

    You slice the tomatoes and add the garlic (chopped finely) and a pinch of dry oregano. Add the onion (slice it as thin as possible) and then add the basil leaves (chop finely). Mix well and throw it in the fridge until chilled. Add oil and salt and pepper and serve.


    I like to add crumbled fetta too or some shaved parmesan.

  4. I find some of these comments really insulting, and I'm not even fat. I've been thin my whole life, however, that certainly isn't a reflection on my lifestyle.

    I don't excercise and I eat with reckless abandonment. I'm guessing the only reason I'm not fat is due to my genes, not loads of self-respect?


    When I see someone who's obese, I don't look at them with contempt, disgust or even pity. If they're okay with it, why should you or I worry?

  5. That's bad luck Toque \:\(


    I have problems (on and off) with metatarsal stress fractures in my left foot. It makes sense that you broke the fifth metatarsal as it's the most prone to injury. Did you get a cast or a walking boot?


    Really, the best advice is simply to keep off it until your doctor thinks it's safe to put weight on it. Otherwise, the fracture might not join properly and this could lead to further problems requiring surgery - not a nice option!


    Take care!

  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by white-void:
    When you get back if you are not too drunk remember to drink gallons of water and take 2 aspirin or similar. Seems to work for me.
    Yeah absolutely. Also, make sure you've sobered up by the time you actually go to sleep. Nothing worse than going to bed drunk and waking up drunk.
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