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Posts posted by ncorrenti

  1. What a load of crap!


    For your information, I have taken ketamine before - I wasn't 'refuting' Daver's opinion, simply asking for clarification based on my own experience with one of the substances mentioned.


    I think I have just as much right to comment as you do - I might not be Pete Doherty but does that mean I can't have an opinion on the subject?

  2. Occasionally I apply for jobs even though I'm not really looking to change jobs... it's more of a 'seeing what's out there' kinda thing.


    Anyway, this morning I went to an interview with a rival company to the one I'm working at now. I was being interviewed by the director and he asked me, out of the blue, what star sign I was.


    I told him and he looked quite disappointed, and then asked if I had a rocky relationship with my father. I told him no, that I got on with my dad very well.


    He proceeded to explain that he was "very intro astrology" and that he felt it came in handy when choosing potential employees.


    Definitely the most bizarre interview I've ever had!


    What's the strangest thing you've been asked in an interview?

  3. Gamera, you can't count coffee. It dehydrates you, so the more coffee you drink, the more water you need to drink.


    I don't drink coffee or tea but I do try to start the day off by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice. It's mean to flush all the mucus and toxins from your system (or so I've been told).

  4. Yeah I think a little bit of slurping is fine. There is a point where loud slurping becomes a bit anti-social though!


    It baffles me why some people cut their spaghetti up into shorter bits - it just makes it more difficult to wind around the fork.

  5. Water, that is!


    Experts say we should drink 2 litres a day. I usually only drink around 1 litre per day, on average, so today I decided to drink the recommended 2 litres. I found it quite tough, and a little annoying with constant trips to the bathroom. It's definitely not something I could do every day.


    How much do you drink?

  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by gamera:
    Rosemary - dislike wet weather and rainfalls. I once killed some of them because I put them outside in rainy season. Didn't know they disliked rainfall. It was first experience for me to kill any plants coz of rainfalls.
    And LOVES sunshine.
    Ahh, so that's why my Rosemary died! Mine kept looking really sick so I made sure I watered it every day. Obviously not the right thing to do. How often should it be watered?
  7. I saw Broken Social Scene last night. They were amazing! I'm not a huge indie rock fan but BSS just blew me away, especially since they sound even better live than on their CDs.


    If you get the chance to see this band, do so, but remember to take ear plugs - they're like five times louder than any other band (my ears were still ringing when I went to bed).

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