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Posts posted by ncorrenti

  1. Hehe, it's not actually a big secret or anything.


    My real name is Nicolina, which is basically the Italian variant of Nicole. The 'ina' bit on the end is this quirky thing the Italians sometimes do when naming baby girls - kind of like a pet name. You're meant to drop the 'ina' bit when they become teenagers.


    But I insisted everyone call me Nicole when I started grade one. My parents sometimes call me Nicolina to annoy me. \:o

  2. I have no idea why they had to have three middle names! Haven't spoken to that particular cousin in a couple of years so I'm a bit out of the loop.


    I don't use my middle name, nor do I use my real first name (haven't since I was a kid).

  3.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Ocean11:
    I tried that test but I couldn't say definitely one way or another for most of the questions. How can y'all be so definite about whether you feel at ease in a crowd? Are you always at ease in a crowd? Do you never have quite desperate moments of unease in a crowd, even though normally you do OK in crowds? ...?
    I think the tests are designed to compensate for small irregularities. I was unsure of some questions too but my profile fits me (scarily) well.
  4. I was talking to my mum on the phone this evening and she told me that my cousin's girlfriend had had a baby boy. They've given him not one, but three middle names, which I think is a bit over the top.


    What's the point of middle names anyway? Does anyone actually use theirs?

  5. Haha I remember that song but yeah, no idea what it's called or who did it.


    "F**k me" (said in a 'surprised' context) isn't a phrase you hear women say a lot - not so much because of the double connotation but more because it has the tendency to sound quite rough.


    In the same situation, I'd probably yell "Holy shit!" or maybe just plain "F**k!"

  6. Yay! I was actually looking at the Head S8 boots, mostly because they're recommended for the skis I was interested in (Wild Thang).


    I definitely think I need a pair of women-specific boots - my current pair are unisex and there's just a bit too much room around my ankle, even though they fit fine everywhere else.


    I think it was the skis that the guy wasn't sure about rather than the boots (I was looking at the Wild Thangs and K2 One Luvs).


    The guy I'm going to is meant to be very good but I wouldn't mind checking out some other places - if you can PM the details that'd be super \:\)

  7. And the guys too, if they have any advice to impart!


    I'm looking at getting new boots and skis this year - I initially had a fair idea of what I wanted but after chatting with the guy from my local ski shop I'm not so sure. He didn't seem too keen on the ones I had in mind... wakaranai.gif


    I'm interested to know what gear you other SJ girls are using, or what you'd most like to be using.

  8. My boyfriend gets addicted to computer games pretty easily. He plays them non-stop for about two weeks and then loses interest.


    It doesn't really bother me but I did get a bit worried one time. He had been playing Grand Theft Auto non-stop for a week - we got in the car to go somewhere (I was driving) and he points at a man crossing the road and goes "quick, get him!". I was like "what the hell?!" and he goes "oh yeah, for a second there I thought I was still playing the game".



  9. My partner and I hardly ever argue - mostly just play fights.


    I have been arguing a lot with one of my workmates actually. He is a lot older than I am and he hates the fact that he has to take direction from me. Lately we've been bickering every day and it's starting to really get to me.


    No I never argue up close with people like that... looks a bit too confrontational!

  10. "INFJs are champions of the oppressed and downtrodden. They often are found in the wake of an emergency, rescuing those who are in acute distress. INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing to the INFJ."


    You must be a hero hotrod \:\)

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