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Posts posted by ncorrenti

  1. Just to stir things up some more...


    Even the conspiracy theorists are debunking the video.




    I'm amazed how many of you unquestioningly believe the claims made in the video. Do some research on these guys - they've got no credentials and no experience in this sort of thing. Their movie is based on a bunch of claims from blogs, some unproven media reports and footage from another 9/11 conspiracy theory DVD.


    I'm certainly not a supporter of the Bush administration or the US Government in general, but I also don't believe what I see in that clip.

  2. Thanks SZ.


    All I'm taking at the moment is nurofen, which is helping to ease the back and neck aches.


    As for starving the fever... well I actually feel quite hungry... not sure whether it's boredom or I actually need the energy.

  3. Yuppies that drive 4WDs. I do my grocery shopping in the snooty suburb over from the one we live in because it has a better supermarket.

    Pretty much every time I go I nearly have a collision with some stupid rich housewife who has no idea how to drive her monstrosity of a car. Seriously, they drive BMW and Mercedes Benz 4WDs that look like they've never been taken off road. Why on earth do they need them? What's so prestigious about owning one? Do they even know how to spell the word 'emission' let alone realise that their car is one big diesel fume-spewing machine?

  4. 011, are you a structural engineer? I'd imagine you must be, because you're quite clearly an expert on this topic.


    When did conspiracy theories of any kind become 'official' anyway? What a ridiculous concept. lol.gif


    As for not having facts, well I don't see you citing sources for every single one of your opinions.

  5. Steel frame constructions tend to melt pretty quickly when you add almost 100,000 litres of burning aviation fuel.


    My father owns a construction company that specialises in building the post-tensioned steel frames in high-rise towers. Steel frames are very strong and can bear a heap of weight, however, when other building materials are damaged, say by a fire, this increases the amount of pressure exerted on the frame. This becomes problematic in extremely high buildings where the frame is already supporting a huge amount of weight.

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