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rigor mortis

SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by rigor mortis

  1. if youve got a japanese friend, get them to search for the package deals on the net. no doubt you can find some cheap deals then. or unless ofcourse your japanese is down. however golden week prices will rip your undies pretty seriously.

    personally we are heading to Okutadami Maruyama - its in niigata prefecture, 3 hours from tokyo maybe. its pretty fun, heaps of snow, but very few facilities. not much accomodation right at the mountain, but if you got a car its sweet.

  2. gee's Rach, it must be a lot warmer in Kobe.

    you drive with the windows down here now, your eyeballs would freeze!

    if i had a car i would love to go for a few drives. ive chosen not to invest in one cause of the expense tho.

  3.  Quote:
    Sounds like a good day, but 5 hours doesn't sound that long?
    i got a cheap deal for an afternoon ticket (rtn shink and lift pass from 11:45am - 5500yen!!). So boarded straight for 5 hours. on my own too so no stopping for chats or waiting for others to catch up. my back leg was burning like a fire cracker when i stepped out of my board!
  4. going home (japan to NZ) i had a whopping 50kg! all my snowboard gear and 2 years worth of shit. JAL were great - put about 35kg in the cargo, then took 2 enormous bags as hand luggage. no charge.


    coming from NZ to japan last time i was about 12kg over, was gonna cost about 300 NZD, my folks were with me when i checked in. so told him i had no cash, and made a big deal of taking shit out of my suitcase and giving it to my parents. he eventually let me on with about 6 kg over.


    i think my problem is my suitcase weighs about 7 kg when its empty! its a big hunk of crap. time to upgrade i think. confused.gif

  5. i think the fact that the towers were so vital to the economy is why they were taken out. and the third building too that wasnt even hit by a plane!? maybe there was a lot of information and records that was quite convenient if it was destroyed. did some deals with the Bin Ladens??

    also, in that video they said something about gold stored under the buildings.

    Some people made a lot of money from 911.

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