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Posts posted by bettyx

  1. hi sanno,

    i did some private babysitting last year at happo, generally in the hotel rooms but also spent time playing outside, & in the kids playroom at goryu. this was handy as i hung out with an infant while her parents skiied, then they came back to have lunch together, etc.


    i was being paid 1500 per hour, i think that was the going rate for an english-speaking babysitter at the time. not sure who will be around this year, though. did you want them english speaking?

  2. whoa, you gotta be careful buying something like a handbag for a girl.


    unless it's an LV & you know she loves brands or whatever, you don't want to go messing with that kinda stuff. i mean, a handbag is to be used everyday so if she doesn't like it, she's never going to use it & yr going to wonder why the hell you blew so much money on a gift for no reason.


    on the other hand, if you choose well, it's something she can use everyday & she'll always think of you, especially if people comment on it, etc.


    gift certificates& money are handy but boring. plus, if yr not loaded, you should probably just choose something special anyway.


    there's gotta be something better.

    i still have a raincheck from my bro for my bday, it happens every year as apparently i'm hard to buy for. (strange, considering i can think of a million things i would like to receive)

  3. my problem is the battery runs out in no time flat.

    i bought a car adaptor & if i don't use it, the battery dies soo quickly.


    i miss my walkman.


    also, occasionally my itunes just swallows playlists, they totally just disappear with absolutely no deleting on my part.


    i expect they disappear into the mysterious appleland, where all the returned ipods go.

  4. hey i feel better today. thanks for the suggestions.. stealth, until i got bronchitis i was doing yoga & taichi about 6 times a week (i have a LOT of free time).


    as i'm still coughing all the time i can't attend, it's kinda distracting when everyone is getting all zen & i start having a coughing fit. so yeah, maybe by the end of the week i can go again.


    less than 30 days of work until my xmas holidays! hooray!

  5. what about a platypus?


    they were originally mistaken as a man-made creature, people thought somebody had sewn a ducks bill onto a cat or something.


    they lay eggs & yet also give milk (monotremes> one of only two in the world) & also have a poisonous spur.


    they're a damn mystery & i have no idea how they evolved/still survive.


    plus they were forever immortalized at aichi expo in that damn aussie pavillion where they featured a giant platypus larger than my entire house.

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