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Posts posted by blu

  1. You are pushing it to ride above your ability. If you are in control you will not fall as much, if at all. Wrist guards can cause their own problem - use a clenched fist (not open hand)instead.

    Personally what works for me is either; sort of collapse down to lower your centre of gravity as you fall; or prone out to spread the impact over the full length of your body (protecting the face). The judo breakfall would take the impact on a much smaller area like the arm or shoulder area - not good if its hardpacked. If you tear the AC joint in the shoulder it will be a problem for life (I did).

    Keep the lessons up & don't fall down hill.

  2. QANTAS - happened to us at Narita too in 2007.

    30,000JPY (2x 3kg allowance)was about $50 kg then.

    JAL - also got the additional luggage allowance on JAL in 2008 - TA had no problem in arranging this (32kg each).

    Tip for 2009 - luggage weighs in about 6kg per empty bag, only take one bag between two at the most - pack as much in the wheelie board bags as needed to keep total weight in limit.

    Otherwise travel light and just take the wheelie bag.

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