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Posts posted by uggggllllyyyy

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Mama:
    There must be better snow conditions there in early december.
    I've seen Shinkansen is 12000 yens back and forth from Tokyo, and ski pass about 5000.
    I will check inns in the area.
    I think it is easy to rent skiis ans boots too.

    Does someone plan to go there on December 10-11 ?
    I should go with a friend but as we say "the more the merrier".
    Hiya Mama,

    If you go to viewplaza in most big(ish) stations in tokyo area you can get a day trip ticket to Naeba for 9000yen/kagura for 7700yen. (ideally you need a bit of nihongo to sort this out) This includes lift pass to!. But this is early season so snow might not be great of course.

    check out the skiing mags in the stations and something called eki-net
  2. Hiya Torihada,


    Its been a few years but I went to Andorra and it was about the cheapest option in the Pyrenees. Lots of apres-ski options at good cheap prices. Some good slopes thought not that much for the truely advanced, although watch for the locals disappearing through apparent thick trees because they know the routes through and you can follow them for some off-piste stuff.


    Alternatively, I went to DeuxAlpes in the French Alps and it was f**king huge place with just about everything. Even has summer skiing on the glacier (they used to anyway). Stayed in Grenoble (about 60mins away) and being a city, had loads to do for apres.


    Anyway just a couple of options. Hope it helps

  3. Hello Jolly Good,


    As you live in tokyo then Tashiro in the Yuzawa area (next to the more famous Naeba) is perfect. Big wide slopes which are usually empty cos most people go to naeba/kagura. Only downside is its very open so the weather can get nasty which might not suit a beginner although there are then some nice powder bits.


    As for which to do ski/board??. My experience was that skiing is easier and less painful to learn. On a board I kept falling over and smacking the back of my head and my arse which hurt like f""k. However, after learning to stay up I found boarding easier to get good at than skiing. Now I do both, i like to ski when its icy for the speed rush and board when its powder or powderish......Anyway just my two cents worth.....


    Either way just laugh when you fall down becos even the best skiers/boarders make f""kups.



  4. Hiya Guys,


    I am getting itchy feet and can not wait until a summer NZ trip so I am thinking of heading to Gassan, Yamagata in early July for a w/e of boarding.


    I was looking for some cheap(ish) pensions/minshuku etc etc and I was wondering if anyone knows of any places in the area (within 30-40mins drive of Gassan is cool) or other camping options.


    Hope yer can help


  5.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Captain Stag:
    I am a NZer and Im looking to spend a couple of months skiing and im just astounded at the prices TC are charging.
    Im still in a state of shock, I guess I will have to find another place in NZ to go.
    Yeh, I am thinking of popping over again in the summer for a few weeks. Since you are a local, i am sure you know more about the good places to go than me. But 199NZ dollars for a weekday season pass at Mt Hutt seems like a pretty good deal to me.

  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Captain Stag:
    NZ is the same price as Japan if you get the day tickets at the time.
    hold on a minute - $89 (6756yen) for a TC pass is NOT the same price as Japan 4200 (55.23) for a GETO pass.

    and an early TC pass for $999 (44000yen) is more expensive (slightly) than 42000yen here.
    Yeh thats fair enough. I was only trying to say that if you are prepared to do midweek then you can some cracking season deals. Whereas in japan (and i am sure someone will prove me wrong) then the season deals are not quite as good. Thing to do is do a bit of looking.


    p.s. I am not a NZer so its not from a bias point of view.
  7.  Quote:
    Originally posted by SnowJapan.Com#2:
    We few times we don't publish "reviews" that are sent in is.....

    - if they are one-liners (or less!);
    - the user does not specify the Resort name in the Review (and doesn't reply when we email them asking for it). We can't publish a review if we don't know which resort it is for;
    - or they are just so obviously way over-the-top "resort bashing" (with no explanation as to why.)

    Perhaps your review fell into one of those categories? ;\)

    (Take a look at the Review page now, today a none-too-flattering review of Gala has been added.)
    Now thats just plain unfair Mr Moderator. You are assuming of course that I have at least half a brain..... Doh!....probably did do one of what you said above. Gomen Ne
  8. DOUGY!!!!......You are a star and if I ever meet you then you are in serious danger of getting a big wet sloppy one on the forehead!!.


    Went to RODEOMASTERS warehouse in Saitama (Actually only just into saitama) and you are right they were very nice. Showed them my order email/number/gaijin card too and payment receipt and they gave me all my gear (board, bindings, boots and bag).... no problems.


    If you are still waiting on stuff then I recommend going to the warehouse because they had bucket loads of stuff there. They do appear to be packing the gear up ready for sending out but they are in no hurry and its very laid back to say the least!. In fact there is even a sign looking for staff at 900yen an hr if anyone is interested. So if you want to wait then you might have to wait a while.


    If anyone needs maps/bus directions etc etc then I can post them here.


    Once again Dougy, cheers.


    Off to try my new gear on the slopes on tom. national holiday.


    Cheers for now


  9. Hiya Danjp,


    Cheers for the info on Rakuten. I am planning on hiring a car and visiting them with some other big mates and a baseball bat (only joking.....although?!?!). I was wondering if anyone had the address of the warehouse in Saitama. Just a postcode will do cos i can check on mapfanweb. I am sorry if this info has been posted before and I have just been blind and missed it.


    Cheers for now


  10. Cheers Guys for this information about the warehouse. I ordered 60000yen worth of gear in sept, then got the usual fob off letters. I have written two emails in english and 2 in japanese to both rodeomaster and also Rakuten who were the original siteholders and got no reply. I have also written a letter to lifelines at the japan times which sometimes deal with problems relating to life here. Nothing yet but heres hoping.


    I have one question though. Is Rakuten liable becos they were the original site holder?.


    cheers guys

  11. Cheers Guys for this information about the warehouse. I ordered 60000yen worth of gear in sept, then got the usual fob off letters. I have written two emails in english and 2 in japanese to both rodeomaster and also Rakuten who were the original siteholders and got no reply. I have also written a letter to lifelines at the japan times which sometimes deal with problems relating to life here. Nothing yet but heres hoping.


    I have one question though. Is Rakuten liable becos they were the original site holder?.


    cheers guys

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