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Posts posted by BillTheBinMan

  1. Often thought I would like bigger windows for a good view in a plane, but not sure I'd want this!


    Want a plain plane? Airbus goes the extra nautical mile with thier latest concept that it hopes to build in four decades’ time – that is, a fully transparent plane so that passengers are able to have a panoramic view of the sky all around – including the ground they’re flying over. Granted, this isn’t going to impress anyone who already hates flying unless they are tranquilized. Well, we don’t really think that this idea will take off (pardon the pun) since flying so high up in the sky would mean it will be uber bright, and for those who embark on long trans-continental flights, it is going to be a nightmare to get some sleep. Ah well, at least you can see where your luggage is from certain angles, no?

    It seems that the transparent walls will comprise of an ‘intelligent membrane’ which will change according to light conditions, while holographic displays have been thrown into the mix so that passengers are able to view media or play games during their flight.


    This transparent membrane will be plant-based, but to date, organic aircraft does not seem to impress at all – don’t you feel a whole lot safer surrounding in aluminum and other more sturdy material? Imagine, you might soon be paying extra for a non-transparent cabin…



  2. 政府ã®åœ°éœ‡èª¿æŸ»å§”員会ã¯ï¼™æ—¥ã€æ±æ—¥æœ¬å¤§éœ‡ç½ã«ä¼´ã†åœ°æ®»å¤‰å‹•ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã€å›½å†…ã®ä¸»è¦æ´»æ–­å±¤ã§ã‚ã‚‹ç«‹å·æ–­å±¤å¸¯ï¼ˆæ±äº¬éƒ½ã€åŸ¼çŽ‰çœŒï¼‰ã€åŒè‘‰æ–­å±¤ï¼ˆå®®åŸŽçœŒã€ç¦å³¶çœŒï¼‰ã€ç³¸é­šå·â€•é™å²¡æ§‹é€ ç·šæ´»æ–­å±¤ç³»ã®ä¸­éƒ¨ä»˜è¿‘(長野県ã€å±±æ¢¨çœŒï¼‰ã§ã®åœ°éœ‡ç™ºç”Ÿç¢ºçŽ‡ãŒé«˜ã¾ã£ãŸå¯èƒ½æ€§ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã¨å…¬è¡¨ã—ãŸã€‚




     åŒå§”員会ã«ã‚ˆã‚‹ã“ã‚Œã¾ã§ã®é•·æœŸè©•ä¾¡ï¼ˆï¼“ï¼å¹´ä»¥å†…ã®åœ°éœ‡ç™ºç”Ÿç¢ºçŽ‡ï¼‰ã¯ã€ç«‹å·æ–­å±¤å¸¯ã§ï¼­ï¼—・4程度ã®åœ°éœ‡ãŒï¼ãƒ»ï¼•ï½žï¼’ï¼…ã€ç¦å³¶ç¬¬ä¸€åŽŸå­åŠ›ç™ºé›»æ‰€ã®åŒ—約3ï¼ã‚­ãƒ­ã«ã‚ã‚‹åŒè‘‰æ–­å±¤ã§ï¼­ï¼–・8~7・5ã®åœ°éœ‡ãŒã€Œã»ã¼ï¼ï¼…ã€ã€ç³¸é­šå·â€•é™å²¡æ§‹é€ ç·šæ´»æ–­å±¤ç³»ã®ä¸­éƒ¨ä»˜è¿‘ã§ï¼­ï¼˜ç¨‹åº¦ã®åœ°éœ‡ãŒï¼‘4%ã ã£ãŸã€‚åŒå§”員会ã§ã¯ã€Œç™ºç”Ÿç¢ºçŽ‡ãŒã©ã®ãらã„上ãŒã£ãŸã‹ã¯ã¾ã ä¸æ˜Žã ãŒã€è­¦æˆ’ãŒå¿…è¦ã ã€ã¨ã—ã¦ã„る。


    The government's Earthquake Research Committee 09, the earthquake caused deformation East, Tachikawa fault zone is a major active faults in Japan (Tokyo, Saitama Prefecture), Futaba Fault (Miyagi, Fukushima), Itoigawa - Shizuoka Tectonic Line active fault system near the middle (Nagano, Yamanashi Prefecture) announced that potential increased probability of earthquakes.


    Magnitude (M) 9.0 earthquake in eastern Japan, the strong force works to pull the Japanese archipelago from east to west, take the power to change even more active faults in the land under the influence. About 106 major active faults in Japan the Commission, the analysis of who takes power, it was found that the driving forces to the earthquake-prone faults 3.


    Previous long-term evaluation of the Commission (the probability of earthquakes in 30 years), the earthquake fault zone of about 4 M7 · Tatikawa 0.5 to 2%, about 30 kilometers north of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station In some M6 · 8 ~ 7.5 Futaba Fault earthquake "almost 0%", Itoigawa - near Shizuoka Tectonic Line active fault system in central M8 14 percent of about earthquakes. The Committee is "how much you raised, but the probability is still unknown, caution is needed" to this.




    So they saying that the Tachikawa fault, Futaba fault and Itoigawa-Shizuoka fault at the ones that have been given a 'come-on' by recent events.



  3. A Tepco worker passing out




    I bet there will be some real stories to be told when this is all over, when we will find out what is really happening.

  4. On TV when the lady presenters all line up with their hands in that 'in front' position, exactly in the right place.


    Oh yes and the waving with both hands at the end of the program. On the less serious ones anyway.


    Japan doesn't seem to get the meaning of cheesy/naff somehow. Either that or it just doesn't mind being naff.

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