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Posts posted by mfurmane

  1. P'Jem....as a recent quitter (2+ months) I hate the smoke that mingles into my office or the smoke coming out of the guys mouth ahead of me walking into the subway tunnel, but I tolerate the smoke coming from the next guy on the bar stool...I respect that he/she enjoys a cocktail and a smoke. However, the lingering stench of Japanese smokers everywhere I go disgusts me so bad I quit. C-YA!

  2. I like the guy too. I think this is just another example of J's lack of business savvy. Is there anything in the J stock exchange rules that would prevent a foreign businessman from doing the same thing? I doubt it, but don't know. This could expose a weakness in J business practices that could attract scavenger international business strategists to begin acquiring large stakes in J businesses via the same LEGAL practices.

  3. Horribly sad...with that said, any being that has consumed the amount of narcotics that man had, combined with the arsenal of weapons he stored in his bedroom closet...it was unfortuantely bound to happen....the Good Doctor had one hell of a run and will be missed, loved, and feared for a long long time.

  4. i swear all the time...feels good....

    some japanese friends have told me there are no "japanese swear words..." whatever....I don'T believe it...Japanzine once did a thing on nihongo swera words....but I don't remember any of them....

  5. Has anyone successfully filed a complaint or anything against a noise polluter and had them shut down?

    I got a neighbor with a dog. He/she lets the dog out everyday at approx. 7am and the thing howls for hours. Sometimes even in the evenings. Last night it was out there from 6:30 to 10pm howling at nothing. It amazes me that nobody else in the community has asked them to deal with this problem.

  6. Currently: Salman Rushdie "Satanic Verses" Intellectual, religious, controversial, can't put it down, etc.


    Most recent: Haruki Murukami "Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World." Funny, technical, sci-fi, mystery, sherlock holmes, crazy monsters, crazy people, all mixed into Tokyo!

  7. LONG YES!! I would also recommend finding a pair with a little "squeegie" thingy on one of the gloves. Tremendously helpful in powder or on snowy days!!

    I currently wear a Burton pair...Squeegie in full effect....plenty warm....maybe not last as long as say a Marmot or similar top of the line brand, but not as pricy either....maybe 50-70 USD or so.

  8. I am new to Japan and am looking for accessible places to snowbord this winter. Weekend trips are most attractive, but longer stays are OK. I live in Nagoya. Does anybody have advice on taking trains to the mountains, where to go for easiest access, where to go for best riding, etc.?

    A not-so trusting coworker mentioned a place near Tokyo that one can hop right off the train and step up to the ticket counter....anybody know of this place?


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