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Posts posted by keba

  1. Point taken, and I spoke over the weekend to my travelling colleague (who I will admit was more keen on 'winging it' than I was), and he is coming around to the idea of planning ahead.


    He's been having a rough time at work - like so many at the moment - and doesn't really care anymore about the detail. He just wants to be there, enjoying the Winter, and forgetting his troubles. We will have accomodation booked, everyone can stop worrying...

  2. That's the thing, we're not planning to ski in Niseko, Rusutsu seems a more likely destination for the week in mind, and we will not be looking for accommodation at the resort itself. And I will probably have something booked before we leave.


    I know everyone has our safety in mind, and thanks for that, but I've never gotten into trouble before...(how's that rate as far as 'famous last words' go?)

  3. For me at the moment, it's "A Grand Don't Come for Free" by The Streets, Kanye West's "Graduation", Pink Floyd's "Wish You were Here", and Volume 1 of the Bruce Springsteen live album from 1986 in the car, and at home it's The Propellorheads, Outcast's "Love Below" and Moby "Play", plus a lot of Wiggles (my eldest son is 2).


    How's my taste?

  4. It's a shame, but these days I find that an "album', as a collection of songs with some flow of concept or cohesive theme, is a bit rare these days, and mostly what you get is a few hit singles, with some padding added to fill the disc space. A concession, maybe, to the iPod generation, or more likely, just lazy artists and record companies who are more interested in sales than art.

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