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me jane

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Posts posted by me jane

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by powwwers:
    anybody from England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales.
    that would be NORTHERN Ireland wouldn`t it? confused.gif
    Yep it would. Here's how I explain it to my students.

    A country is a political jurisdiction
    A nation is a cultural one.

    Technically, all history and emotions aside (even though I am Welsh myself and I hate to say it), The British Isles consists of two countries:

    Country 1. "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" (UK)

    Country 2. "The Republic of Ireland"

    ("The British Isles" is a geographical term refering to the islands of Ireland and Great Britain and all the other little ones surrounding them. As is Great Britain with great just meaning big, as in the biggest of the isles and consisting of mainland Scotland, England & Wales)

    Country 1 has 3&1/2 nations - Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales.
    (So I can redeem myself a little here by pointing out that England is not a country either lol.gif )

    Country 2 is the Republic of Ireland (the other 1/2 of the nation of Ireland)

    People from country 1 have passports from "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
    People who come from Great Britain are British Citizens. They all have "British" written in their UK passports. These British citizens sub-divide themselves into Welsh, Scottish and English.
    People who come from Northern Ireland can choose whether to have "Irish" or "British" written in their UK passports, however for the purposes of the law, regardless of what they choose to have written in their passport, they are UK passport holders and could therefore technically be termed British.

    People who come from country 2 are from the Republic of Ireland, are Irish Citizens and have Irish passports.

    I draw something like this for my students -

    and tell them

    a Rep. of Ireland (Country)
    b Northern Ireland (Nation)
    a+b Ireland (island name)
    c Scotland (Nation)
    d Wales (Nation)
    e England (Nation)
    c+d+e Great Britain (island name)
    b+c+d+e United Kingdom (Country)
    a+b+c+d+e British Isles (name of the group of islands)

    So North Americans who call me British are correct, Germans who call me English are not \:D
  2.  Quote:
    Originally posted by rach:

    I would get on that train if only for the fact that lots of guys smell bad.
    I've seen some pretty disgusting things on the trains - guys with their hands down their own pants, guys passed out flat on their backs on the floor in their own vomit, even a guy urinating agaist the inside of the train door. But some women don't behave much better. I did see one "polite" girl puke into her handbag rather than on the floor but it didn't disguise the smell & after a few mins started to seep out onto her lap.
    I guess none of us smell too sweet after an all nighter...

    Back on the topic though - I agree with Ocean 11, segregation is going to make the pervs think that women in the mixed carriages are up for it. Stricter controls & better publicity is the way to go. Rewards to those who help convict these guys?
  3. So the winner is ......




    Echineko - Congratulations!!!!

    clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif


    With second prize going to Toque sama!!!!




    Any ideas for prizes? How about:

    1. A date with the SJ member of your choice.

    2. A free SJ sticker (once it's been designed)



    34 guests & everyone else I left out... I'm sorry, please don't hate me


    (We need a crying smiley)

  4. Most of the international movers are pretty expensive (About 30man for an amount the equivalent to what one of those big Japanese double doored closets would hold). Probably better to do it yourself. Quite a hassle but loads cheaper to rent the container and load & unload it yourself at port. Got a friend who does a bit of car exporting to Oz. I'll ask him to post here.

  5. You shouldn't have to use your paid holiday. As visa is necessary to work, every company I've worked for has always given me the time to do the visa stuff. Still had to go twice each time though. I don't think you can get the perm res thing until you've had 10 continuous years in Japan, regardless of your marital status. Good luck with it.

  6. Last night I dreamt I was in shopping centre with a cinema in the UK. Then suddenly there was an announcement saying we all had to get to Bath (a city in the UK) by 9pm when all would be explained. At about 8pm panic broke out and we all started running for the train station. They gave us 5 pounds each and told us anyone who didn't leave right then would in lockdown in the shopping centre. I was with my sister (she's 21 but was about 6 in this dream) who put her hand in some greenish water at the station. Then we realised that there had been a nuclear accident. When we arrived at the end of the train line it wasn't Bath but my home town. We tried to walk to the meeting place for the explanation which had been moved to the city hall in my hometowm but my friend's mother appeared. She couldn't walk because she had lost her shoes. After a long but fruitless search for a taxi I woke up.

    The night before last I dreamt I was in an earthquake on a sunny island in Asia. Somehow my keitai worked to text my boyfriend in Japan to say I was alive. Then I found a lost 4 year old girl in a red dress. She couldn't speak English. I was holding her & trying to talk to her when I woke up.


    Recurring themes - large scale disasters, rescuing children!


    Any interpretations?

  7. Been away for Golden Week (not away away - just not at the computer). Good to come back and see lots of votes - took me ages to make that poll!!


    Looks like Echineko in first place with Toque and Rach fighting for second.


    Think everyone's back from GW now so going to give it another week & declare the winners. Get your votes in by Sunday 15th May!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. \:\( \:\(

    I hate semi!!! There are so many in my apartment complex. I sometimes have to put up my umbrella to walk through the trees. I got hit in the face twice last year by blind ones flying into me! The get trapped in my stairwell and bang against my door at night. They make me late for the pub cos I can't get out of my house. Then when I get home from the pub I can't sleep with the windows open cos they are too noisy. They come a close second to cockroaches on my hate list.

    mad.gif mad.gif

  9. I heard that there would be less casualties if the earthquake was in the middle of the day. This is because 1. People are awake and more able to protect themselves/get out of harm's way and 2. A lot of houses and apartments are old and just waiting to collapse whereas generally department stores and office buildings are newer and are designed to withstand stronger earthquakes.

    And if it's going to happen I'd rather have to get out of work than bed...

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