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Posts posted by tsondaboy

  1. Sorry, I made a mistake. They were not arrested, but baned from Sumo because the level of marijuana was higher than the WADA limit.


    検査機関ã§å¤§éº»ã®é™½æ€§åå¿œãŒå‡ºãŸãŸã‚日本相撲å”会ã‹ã‚‰è§£é›‡ã•ã‚ŒãŸå…ƒå¹•å†…露鵬(28)ã¨å…ƒå両白露山(26)ã®ãƒ­ã‚·ã‚¢äººå…„弟ã¯ï¼™æ—¥ã€ãã‚ã£ã¦æ²ˆé»™ã‚’貫ã„ãŸã€‚元白露山ã¯ã“ã®æ—¥ã€æ±äº¬ãƒ»æ±Ÿæ±åŒºã®åŒ—ã®æ¹–部屋ã‹ã‚‰éƒ½å†…ã®è‡ªå®…マンションã¸ç§»å‹•ã—ãŸãŒã€å ±é“陣ã®å•ã„ã‹ã‘ã«ã¯ã„ã£ã•ã„å¿œã˜ãªã‹ã£ãŸã€‚


     解雇ã¨ã„ã†ç¾å®Ÿã‚’å—ã‘入れãŸã‚ˆã†ãªã„ã§ç«‹ã¡ã ã£ãŸã€‚åˆå¾Œï¼‘時éŽãŽã€åŒ—ã®æ¹–部屋ã®çŽ„é–¢ã‹ã‚‰å§¿ã‚’ç¾ã—ãŸå…ƒç™½éœ²å±±ã¯ã€ï¼´ã‚·ãƒ£ãƒ„ã«çŸ­ãƒ‘ンã¨ã„ã†ãƒ©ãƒ•ãªæ ¼å¥½ã€‚ã¾ã’ã¯æ­¢ã‚ãšé‡‘色ã®å¾Œã‚髪を帽å­ã§è¦†ã„ã€ç„¡è¨€ã§éƒ¨å±‹é–¢ä¿‚者ãŒç”¨æ„ã—ãŸè»Šã®åŠ©æ‰‹å¸­ã«ä¹—り込んã ã€‚


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    Only the guy that possessed got arrested.

  2. I think they were saying in the news last night that the other 2 guys got arrested too.

    Thats because the level of marijuana in their system was too high to claim "passive smoking".

    Its the same as with LSD and E, once detected in your system you are arrested. You cant claim that someone fed it to you.

  3. The way he was caught could only happen in Japan.

    Basically the guy lost his wallet, with all his money, Visa, ID cards etc and a joint in the coins pocket.


    In any other country in the world, the guy that would find it, would probably smoke the joint and buy some more weed with the money he found in the wallet. razz


    In Japan, someone found the wallet, brought it to the police station intact, the police found the joint and the owner of the wallet got arrested!!! lol


    The other 2 guys where arrested because they were found positive to marijuana from blood tests, totally ridiculous.

  4. I realized you need to get it just before it brakes, that would mean wipeout on a long board. I ve seen some people instead of paddling, kicking their feet in the water and then stand up, but I don't know how you can keep your balance like that.


    By the way, can someone give me a tip about how its the easier way to balance the board when you are just sitting on it waiting for the wave?

  5. Sunday might be a bit better, but you will still hit some traffic when you are passing through Tokyo and Chiba. I live in central Tokyo and I ve never made it to Hakuba in less than 3.5 hours. It usually takes me 4 to 4.5 hours. Since you are coming from Narita add 1 more hour driving. The total root from Narita to Hakuba is about 350 km, 300 of witch on the highway and 50 on local roads.

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