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Posts posted by brett_jackson

  1. Yeah, i agree. The Star Wars prequels have been a bitter dissappointment to me as well. They are so crap in comparison to the Original Trilogy. It's like their creator just ... forgot how to make good movies.


    From what I've seen of Episode III it looks like it will follow in the footsteps of I and II.


    Wait till DVD ... if that.

  2. Are you all talking about that interpreting test thingy? Where you have to know varying levels of both written & verbal Japanese? And level 1 is the hardest where you have to know all the Kanji?


    If so, do those of you who passed intend to be interpreters? (just curious)

  3. I'm with BagOfCrisps - beer tastes great (Ales in particular) whether being drunk in moderation or not, but sometimes I think "I'm going to keep on drinking to get that buzz". Especially if my mother's in town ... need to calm the nerves a bit before being in a room with that one.

  4.  Quote:
    And you know I don't really care, I'm really happy with what I've got.
    hey, if you're happy, I'm happy \:\)

    Since you asked - yes, there's a whole swag of players out there other than the iPod. Go to your nearest Yodobashi (or whatever that shop was called). Most of them will play more formats of music (AU, MP3, OGG, WMA, ASF etc) than the iPod, and also let you choose whatever software you want to synchronize your player with your music collection on whatever computer you have (Linux, Windows, Mac). You can do the 'buy your music' thang like with iTunes, or do the 'illeagal download' thing if you choose to. The main point is there's lots out there, but it's just not as heavily marketed as Apple stuff.

    The one thing Apple have mastered at is their user interface engineering. Really easy to understand, very smooth. The iPod wins in this category in my books.
  5. Sorry for the negative vibes 34 ... it's a long and complicated story. I think they've got the right idea in terms of making technology more accessible & appealing to the average 'not-too-technical' person. But when said 'not-too-technical' person comes to me to help them when their nice pretty Apple breaks, and they'd asked me before buying it "What sort of computer/laptop/MP3 player should I buy?" and I give them every option except Apple since there's always a better option, and they still buy the Apple .... yeah, it gets to the point where I just have to say "talk to the hand".


    I promise no more negative Apple quotes from now on \:\) Everyone has their own preferences, I can respect that much.

  6. Looking forward to:

    Batman Begins - Christian Bale as Batman/Bruce Wayne with Christopher Nolan directing. Should be quite dark & gritty, the way Batman should be.


    The War of the Worlds - Another Tom Cruise/Steven Spielberg collabaration.


    Sin City - an adaptation of the famous Frank Miller graphic novels, with a huge cast and really interesting looking visuals.


    Constantine - based on the popular comic book HellBlazer, with Keanu Reeves as supernatural detective John Constantine.


    (note: the above links are to Quicktime trailer sites)

  7. This list should be "Top 30 Sexiest 'British' Thirtysomethings"


    I mean, except for number 1, they're all born in the UK. And even Kylie is practically british these days (or tries to be anyway).


    So it's hardly a comprehensive list they chose from.


    I'd only consider numbers 2 & 4 sexy. The rest are pretty average.

  8. I seem to remember the 'side to side' waves are Primary waves - those that travel the quickest through most of the earths crust radiating out from the epicentre in all directions (even up ... which vibrates the air and causes the "train approaching-like" sound).


    The Secondary or Surface waves (up & down) only travel along the upper edge of the crust and are slower, arriving after the primary. These only occurr if the quake is big enough. Surface waves are like waves on the ocean, only it's the land that's moving up and down instead of the water. Very destructive.


    I imagine if you were directly above the epicentre and if the epicentre was close to the surface, you'd feel one, massive, destructive jolt, and then little or no sustained movement or quaking afterwards. But that's just a guess.

  9. I'd go with nagoid's suggestion.


    The first one, that is - where you test the girl's commitment by sleeping with her.


    I mean, if she refuses, your friend wins because he keeps the girl, and you win because you were 'looking out for him'. If she accepts, you win because hey ... get to sleep with sexy girl! and your friend wins because he doesn't enter a doomed marriage.


    Either way ... everyone wins.

  10.  Quote:
    I have a laugh at the gym at all the pretty boys preening their beautiful locks after their workout
    I just laugh when I see them anywhere.

    I am reminded of a quote from my favourite film of all time, Fight Club, when Tyler Durden sees a Calvin Klein-esque model in a poster

    "Is that what a man is supposed to look like?"
  11. 3 months in the US (from Australia). No working, one 2 week road-trip to AZ, NM & Mexico, and the rest was spent partying hard in L.A. at night and recovering by a pool during the afternoons.


    Developed 1 x drug addiction, 1 x gaul stone, chronic insomnia, had 1 x wisdom tooth removed and gained 10kgs.


    It seemed like a lot more than 3 months.


    Plan on doing a "leaving and coming back 'whenever'" style trip early next year. Japan alps or Hokkaido will be on my list of stop-overs during NH winter.

  12. Boy bands are probably as popular with the teens here in Australia as they are in the US or UK. Add to that 'Australian Idle' winners and other manufactured bands such as this.


    They are also despised (vehemently) by a small minority of poeple, like myself.

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