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Posts posted by marnix

  1. Most accommodation is on Don Deth, but they are connected. We splurged out to get a $2 hut a night, which a fan and electricity until 9pm.


    Problem with Laos is that there is a lot to do in the north and some interesting things in the south but nothing in the middle.


    IMO Sihanoukville is great to end your journey. We stayed longer than planned and went straight from there to the airport in Bangkok for our flight home.

    The village has several beaches most of them are so-so. There is only 1 good beach with some nice wooden simple huts overlooking the white sand beach. When we were there they were building a golf course just behind the treeline. It should be finished by now so it might have changed the atmosphere the beach had with a number of lounge/full moon party type of place at the other end of the beach.

  2. As you can get sick from Larium + you can get malaria even if take pills. Many people opt for not taking them, but having with them in case they get malaria. You can suppress the illness somewhat then and rush off to a hospital to get proper treatment.


    we did a 4 week trip through Laos and Cambodia and didn't take malaria pills. But be careful.


    Don't miss out on (Been there,)Don Deth in the far south of Laos and try to go from there over the Mekong river into Cambodia. (we tried but the river level was too low so we ended up flying to Siem Reap).


    and Sihanoukville in Cambodia, my favorite mellow beach in S-E Asia (less hectic than thailand, although they should clean up the beach now and then)

  3. How long are you going?

    If it is longer than 3 weeks you might consider taking them if it is shorter forget about it. By the time you will actually get the malaria symtoms you will be back here and they probably know what to do.

    I was in Laos a few years ago and it seemed no one took them.

    My cousin took malaria pills on a trip to Thailand and kept taking them until 3 weeks after he got to Australia, by week 4 he was very ill. It seemed that all the drugs did was suppressing the symptoms. (He met his future wife this way as she felt sorry for him and took care of him - still does)

  4.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Tohoku bum:
    You can always make a hard boot "softer" by buckling them looser, but you can't make a soft boot stiffer.
    Don't buckle your boots to lose as this might result in shin splint.
    The only way to really soften a ski boot is by burning holes in the plastic although I wouldn't advise you not to do this.

    I use Lange race boots but before I used Raichles 2 completely different boots both with advantages and disadvantages.

    Go to a good shop and really take your time fit a pair of boots tighten them well and walk/stand in them for 30 minutes see how they feel then.

    If you want a stiff boot London Sports in Kanda have a few Salomon race shells for about 12,000 + 25,000 for custom inner = 37,000 for a great boot. That is probably the best deal you can get.
  5.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Toque:
    Nobody is going to ski more than one resort in a day
    It's people that come for a week and want to buy 1 pass that is good for all the hills
    Normally I agree but I have had days where I skied 1 resort in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. If the snow is bad in 1 place it might be better to hit the park in another.

    Usually you get only 1 skiarea if you buy a 1,2 or 3 daypass in a Eurpean connected skiresort. If you buy a pass for 4 days or more you can go wherever you want to on the same pass.

    But right now in Hakuba all resorts have different systems and most only have daypasses (although you can buy a 2-day pass or more but than you get a coupon that you have to show at a ticketoffice to get another ticket). One of the reasons for buying a 2 day pass would be that yuo don't have to go back to the ticket counter.
  6. Only saw the first half, but that was a sad display of bad communication between players and bad position play. So many simple errors and Australia moving the ball around waiting for ... Yeah waiting for what? Maybe for a few of the 11 defending Japanese would all fall over or just disappear so they could make a clean shot at the goal?

    Still I thought the Australians had the better play.

  7. Building new lifts in Europe isn't that easy.

    Before they were building a lot of new lifts in France, but in Austria there were many projects but no one was allowed to build. And I am sure they felt it in their pockets in Austria.

    Since a few years it has changed nothing is happening in France but Austria is building like crazy, not really new faces but connecting skiareas. The craziest thing is in Krichberg/Westendorf where they built a horizontal gondola and this goes from the summit of Kirchberg to the summit of Westendorf over a 1000m deep valley.


    But at least there the skiareas aren't competing for customers, everyone is joining hands. And the customer is been serviced really well.

  8.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Rag-Doll:
    Iran’s leaders are a bunch of crazy religious fanatics who hate the West and are keen to take a leading role in the Islamic world.
    The same can be said about US leaders and they probably hate the east north and south. and maybe even the west.
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