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Posts posted by connackers

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Kintaro:
    connackers, just out of curiosity, why do you want N.Korea to win? Also, why do you feel bad for saying it?
    I want N.Korea to win because it annoys me how much Japan looks down its nose at N.Korea. Yet it makes them out to be a big proper team in which they`ll have done something impressive to beat them. Japan is a team that`s all about trying to look good but with little real substance whereas N.Korea has nothing but a lot of passion.

    I feel bad about saying it because I think that`s not the real reason I want them to lose. It`s more because I play in an amatuer league against Japanese teams with my team `Gaijin FC` and also do sports club with my JHS soccer club and the Japanese style of football is extremely annoying :p
  2. Does anyone know anything about this area?


    I`m going away to Shikoku with my girlfriend to celebrate 6 months. Was hoping to find somewhere cool to spent saturday night and do some kayaking and/or hiking but can find bugger all useful information for people without cars.


    Has anyone been?

  3. It`s hard to see N.Korea as a genuine threat or doing anything more than trying to make itself seem big and important to its people. This image would come crashing down pretty quick if it ever did actually attack anyone.


    Unfortunately, it looks like Bush`s America is forced to do something because all along it`s been making a stand against `nuclear threats` and the `axis-of-evil`. How`s it going to get into Iran if it doesn`t do something about N.Korea?


    Also N.Korea could be of immense strategical importance to America. Aside from the middle east another major factor in future world politics is China. Having to load that area with a strong American presence because of N.Korea would be perfect for Bush. What could really blow the whole situation up is if China gets involved now.


    If China gets involved to stop the US doing anything that`ll be a good result. Then again if China gets too involved and the US wades in on the other side and forces a confrontation now, that could be by far the worst thing. Though both options look unlikely. A good result would be if the whole thing gets talked down. Either because China is strong enough to talk N.Korea down itself or to make the US think twice about intervening. What will probably happen though is that some sort of stand off will develop providing another direction for the `war against terror` to focus on.

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